Here is the scoop...I am one year out and I need my gallbladder out. This really makes me mad.
I begged him to take it out during my bypass. BEGGED. He had it in his hand. I have only had 2 attacks. One bad one in Nov. that I went to ER for and one a few weeks ago that I managed to stay home. And, I do not want to have it out. Not another surgery. But, they (the docs, I have seen 3) keep saying "gallstone pancreatitis". That scares me more than the surgery. And of course I don't have big stones, I have little ones. They are the ones that will move and block the pancreas. If I had big ones the surgeon says he would just leve them. Plus, will he be able to do this thing laproscopically??? He says most likely yes. This just sucks. Everyone says "you'll feel better". I don't feel bad. And I can't even yell at my surgeon, he has left the practice and I don't know where he went.
Thank you for listening.
Hope everyone is doing well with their one year re-birthdays.

I can understand the whining--It hurts girl! Take it out--ASAP--another attack can be unbearable--I had mine out in November--and a small hernia repair at the same time--it really wasn't so bad--the hernia was worse than the gallbladder--so get over yourself---and have it done-those attacks are miserable!
Take care and let us know!
Surgery is scheduled for March 16th. I really did hear the gallstone pancreatitis one too many times.
Good luck to you with your plastic surgery. I am such a slow loser that it will be another year until I can even think about it.
You let us know how you are doing as well. You look terrific and made me realize that I need a new pic.
Greetings from Fair Oaks Hopsital. I had my gallbladder removed yesterday. I had a sudden attack Tuesday night at subsided some and then came back again at 7:30. I got to the ER at 9:00 with 40 people (mostly sick chickdren blowing snot bubles) ahead of me. I layed in the hallway on a gerney until 1:30 in the morning. I finally saw a doctor in the hall because there where no more beds and they did my bloodwork and a sonogram to inform me that I had an elivated liver count and an enlarged gallbladder. So I spent the night in the ER on a gerney to be awakened at 8:30 in the morning by the pre-op nurses. Still hadn't seen a doctor so I wasn't really thrilled because I didn't know what was going to happen. Finally saw him and he said that he wanted to take my gallbaldder out but he may need to open me up instead of laposcopily because I could have a gallstone stuck somewhere in my track and because of my gastric bypass he would be able to get to it laposcopily. But when it was all said and done, he was able to do it without having to reopen me back up. I am feeling great and glad I got it out. That gallbladder attack was my first and my last. It was a terrible feeling and I don't know how you can handle those. Yes, I would have loved to have it done when they did my bypass but I am also a believer of not removing something if it is perfectly healthy. I just went for my year appointment last week and everything was fine and had blood work done on Feb 13th with great results as well. So my gallbladder just developed this issue within that time period.
Needelss to say, this is my first "complication" that I have had. I still wouldn't have changed anything I've done so far. This surgery has changed my life for the better so much and I can't wait to see what better things are to come.
I hope that you are recovering nicely. Thank you so much for responding. I really needed to hear from someone that is going through the same thing right now. This is really my first complicatiion, too. And I wouldn't change a thing, except I would have liked to lose more by now. But, over 100 lbs gone is 100 lbs gone forever. I am happy that I did get to pick my surgeon and barring a severe attack between now and Thurs., I will have this as a scheduled procedure. The surgeon comes highly recommended and he has done this many times on gastric bypass patients. He may have to open me too. But, he will use my bypass incision and fix my little hernias while her is there. It is really the anesthesia that scares me. I am a Nurse Practitioner and I know too darn much.
I did schedule my 1 year follow up while I am off. It is a 3 hour drive to Barix for the appointment. I am fasting right now to go and get my labs. And scheduled my well woman visit. Might as well get that done while I am off too.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
Please let us know how you are doing.
Hi Terri,
My 1 year surgerversary in on the 21st I had my gallbladder removed March 2nd after they had to wait for the Pancreas to go down. I had 4 small laps done and it did hurt more then the bypass surgery. My same surgeon did both surgeries and said I had no problems with the Gallbladder prior to RNY surgery so the insurance wouldn't pay for him to remove it then. I am feeling a lot better and I'm going to return to work on Monday, thank Goodness...Anyways, if it needs to come out don't put it off becuase if you get that Pancreas flairing up boy does it hurt!!!!
Just my opinion,
Deborah W.

Can you tell me what the symptoms of a gallbladder attack are? What part of your body hurts? Your back, stomach area, side? I really need an anatomy class, lol.. I have pains sometimes in my lower back and am not sure what is causing it but they seem to be getting worse. Thanks for your help. Best of luck with your surgery this week. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
240/115 below goal
The gallbladder is in the right upper quadrant of your abdomen. My pain was like a squeezing all the way around the bottom of my ribs. It hurt so bad. It can also hurt in your right shoulder blade. You usually are nauseated and vomiting as well. Low back pain could be a bladder infection or something with your female parts.
Go to the dotor if it is getting worse.