My anniversary is coming on March 15...I would love to be down another 20 pounds, but I am going through that struggle of eating the wrong things. I mean it's nothing like it used to be, but I am getting nervous. Any suggestions? I am a college student who is around crappy food all of the time...can anybody suggest what I should do about that also?
But I have started asking myself OK I WILL ADMIT "I HAVE BEEN TALKING TO MYSELF "OUT LOUD" (I dont know how good that is!!) (
When I am about to put something in my mouth that I know MY Brain knows is not good I take a deep breath and say (mind you out loud) What is that bite of what ever going to do for you? Do you need that bite of what ever? Look at it it is a empty Calorie SO HELLO PUT IT DOWN!! 

Robbe this is really what I do. And It has worked so far. Even Thow i am stuck at loosing my last 8 to 10 lbs
This wls has been easy up till now! Well for me at least it has(knock on wood) up till now. REALITY IS KICKING IN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I hope you get my personality Im a bit of nutty funny person.
You take care and moral of this post is YOUR NOT ALONE.
Take care. I wish you nothing but peaceful and blessed days
248/148 & 150/140

Robbe, I agree with Cher. A lot of Self-talk is now required when making decisions about what we are going to put into our mouths. I'm always saying to myself "It's just food", and making a decision becomes easier. I never want to go back to the old way of life where food was the main focus. Try to divert the negative cravings by occupying yourself with an activity. Best of luck!
I know this is soooooo hard for us
I went in for my 11 months check up and Doctor wants me to lose another 15 pds at least!!!! I weighed in at 148 pds. I also lost 1 and 1/2 inches in height which I was totally shocked......So now I need to get down to 130-133 pds.. I am 52 yrs young and have always weighed over 300 pds, So I told the Dr. that I am happy where I am at BUT I will try to lose at least 10 more pds. Just try to stay busy and eat PROTEIN first.
Best of luck