I Lost it!!!
LOL!! I thought that was a good title!!
Well even thru all of the eating that I did at Christmas time.. I lost 2 lbs!! yippee!! Thats a total of 90 lbs gone!! Down from 270 to to 180!! Yippee!! 10 more to go to be a member of the Century Club!!
The last time I was this excited it was when I hit those "Onederfuls!!"
It might be coming off slowly now...but thats ok.. I will take it!!!
I want to thank all that sent me Christmas Cards!!! Wow there were so many of them!! And Ive come to realize that Texas is turning into a skinny State!! lol!!! My kids really enjoyed them also!!
The mirrror above my fireplace is covered with them!!
Well Happy New Year to all !!!
Patti Legge