Best Xmas present ever....

OH.....I can relate to this
I was a size 2x last xmas and weighing 240pds....This xmas I am a size 8 and down to 147pds....My friends are kinda avoiding me alot and not saying a word as I am down to their size clothes.
I think they are afraid as I was always the FAT one at one time weighing in at 320 pds in 2001.....I also don`t say much as I dont want to brag to much.....Its OK we deserve our happiness and will see it on our bodys.... Your doing great and keep up the good work.
2004-240 pds

That is great. The same thing happened to me. I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and tried on a pair of Lee Jeans - size 16. They fit, so I bought two pairs!. I also know what you mean about the friends and weight loss. I know that many are just afraid to discuss it because it will force them to look at their own need to lose weight.
I did good over the holidays and didn't really have anything I shouldn't have. No cookies, cake, pie or candy.
Good Luck,

Scarlette, you are doing fantastic! I just love those WOW moments. I remember jumping up and down in the dressing room at Old Navy when I fit in a 14! It was unbelievable.
As far as the friend thing goes, gee......I'm so glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. I have the same thing with my best friend. I have ALWAYS been the FAT one. Now that I have surpassed her on the downswing (by 3 sizes), she doesn't see me that much anymore, talk to me that much anymore, and when we do get together, I can NEVER talk about my weight loss. I guess I understand it a little, but what are friends for? Support in good times and bad. Anyway.....
Congrats again, keep on losin'!

WOW That's great. Looks like everyone is doing great. I am just happy I can buy clothes in a regular store now. I am also glad to see I am not the only one who didnt resist temptation this Christmas. I didn't eat as bad as I did prior to surgery but I also did more than I should. Sweets were always my downfall and evidently still are. Where is this dumping I heard about before hand. I only get hot flashes but I get them anyway, thanks to mother nature. Sorry to hear about your friends I heard this happens and so far I am blessed that my friends are still there for me. I can only hope that won't change. I wish I would have done this a year or 2 ago then I could almost be at goal. My weight loss has slowed alot so I really need to get busy. Good luck to all in the New Year. Keep on keeping on.