List You Positive Changes!
Since so many of us have had a rough month. I thought it might be good to remind ourselves of all the positive changes we've seen in our lives. By doing this- it should encourage us to keep fighting and serve as a reminder of what we would lose if we let things slide too far.
So for me, my positive changes:
1. I can run after my 2 year old son
2. Can comfortably fit in my shower
3. Can bend over to tie my show without feeling like I have to suck my stomach in to reach my feet
4. Can shop in the regular size section of the clothing store
5. Don't feel ashamed walking through the grocery line
6. Can fit in a resturant booth AND don't feel overstuffed when I leave
7. I feel more attractive and less insecure about my looks
8. Look forward to family events insead of avoiding them
And so so many more......
1. being comfortable in theatre seats
2. being able to sit at booths in restaurants
3. not being afraid to sit in plastic lawn chairs
4. being able to shop in the regular sizes
5. not getting winded just running errands (such a boon this christmas!)
6. being able to take taekwondo and feel good doing it
7. being able to take my son to 6 flags and ride the rides with him
8. being able to sit on my husband's lap without him cringing
9. not being out of breath going up the flight of stairs to my office
10. being able to wear high heels without my feet/ankles screaming
11. being able to buy bras somewhere other than lane bryant
12. many, many more!!
lap RNY 3/31/05
I agree with all.. here is a few more for me..
1. No more incontinence!!!!! what a relief.
2. No more high blood pressure medicine.
3. I have not been sick with the bronchial cough, people at work even have mentioned this. I was always sick.
4. I am able to carry my nephews up and down a flight of stairs while feeling secure holding them.
5. I am able to play on the floor with my nephews (get up and down)
love those kids!!!!
6. Less ugly comments from my dad. He never knew how to express himself in a positive way without hurting my feelings.
7. Doesn't hurt to wipe when I have gone #2.
8. Sitting comfortably behind the wheel of the car.
9. i wake up on the weekends and do things. Instead of sleeping the weekend away. (i assume less depression and more energy both play a role).
265/152-155 I am fluctuating between those. Not sure what my goal is yet, the nut said it should be 140, but at 5 feet I do believe it should be lower.
Thanks Pam for this inspirational thread!!
These are awesome responses. Just reading through everyone's changes- it's enough to make you tear up. Collectively we really did hide. Either because people made us feel we had to- or we did becuase we felt we had to.
I am so grateful to finally feel free. I guess the biggest positive change for me is I no longer feel like I am on the side line watching life go by. But rather feel engaged and dare to dream again. It is just amazing.
Thank you to everyone who has shared. I will keep checking back to read and cheer for all the good that has come out of this wonderful WLS experience!
286/179/150 ish

1. I feel brave enough to get on the dance floor and when I get there, I don't get winded right away (actually, I don't get winded at all).
2. I lost enough weight to go skydiving.
3. I can easily reach my shoes and don't get out breath tying them.
4. I feed my family healthy food instead of just fast and fattening food.
5. I don't feel uncomfortable and fat around thinner people.
6. I'm not embarrassed when I run into someone I haven't seen in years.
7. I can shop in regular sized stores and I can easily buy clothes I like for under $20 instead of paying $40 or more for clothes I wish I didn't own.
8. I have lots of friends instead of just one or two because I feel more self-confident.
You all about covered everything!!!
Being able to cross my legs and not feeling uncomfortable
My boyfriend being able to pick me up...and not falling!!
Being smaller than friends that have always been smaller than me!!
Buying sizes that I havent worn since I was a toddler!! lol
Not feeling like an overstuffed turkey after eating!!
Not feeling like I am going to ushered out of Victoria Secrets!!
Enjoying dressing up!!
Getting noticed by the opposite sex!!! This one is fun!!! lol
Many, many more!!!
Thanks for the great thread! I love all the replies! To them, I would add:
*Smaller clothes = MUCH lighter suitcase!
*I can reach all my itches
*If somebody parks too close I can either squeeze in OR get in the passenger side and climb over (had to do this on Saturday..w00t!)
*I can move the driver's seat forward if the person sitting behind me needs room for long legs (used to be I couldn't fit or buckle my seat belt if the seat was not all the way back)
*I can paint my own toenails (but I still prefer a spa pedicure
*many, many more!

DITTO on all the above plus
1. Dont need a c-pap anymore
2. Don't have to be on blood pressure meds anymore
3. No more asthma
4. I can weigh myself at home.
5. Even though I'm not done yet I don't mind getting weighed at the DR's
6. Don't worry if I am going to fit in any chair no matter where I am going.
7. I can borrow a sweater if I need to.
8. I can walk any distance again period.
9. I can breathe without everyone hearing me.
10. Getting alot of attention from everyone.
11. I can walk down the street and not be pairanoid someone is going to yell a nasty comment.
12. Feeling like a deserving human again.
13. Being an inspiration to others.
14. Greatful God has given me this 2nd chance at life.
Happy Holidays to all and may we all have a great 2006.
What a charming idea for a post!
Let's see, aside from the ones others have posted...
1) When on the commuter train in the morning, no longer getting the looks from other people who are clearly silently begging that the fat woman doesn't sit with them and squish them for the hour long ride. Now I sit easily with others and fit comfortably in just one seat and people acutally sit with me first instead of my being the last one someone sits with!
2) Not sweating my ass off even when it's 65 degrees in the office and everyone else is freezing.
3) Being able to do 45 minutes to an hour on the elliptical at the gym without feeling like I'm going to pass out. I do still sweat like an animal on that though!
4) having my weight obsessed mother give me clothes that she pointedly tells me are too big for her and having them be too big for me, too! HA!
5) My beloved godson/nephew telling me spontaneously and somewhat amazed that I am half the size I used to be and I look great. And also spontaneously telling me when I cut my hair off that my new style suited me perfectly because it looks easy and fun just like I am. Awwww.... LOL
6) Not having to wear giant shirts all the time to cover my giant belly. Now I can actually tuck things in!
7) Finding an old pair of jeans from more than 20 years ago that I forgot I had, and pulling them on only to find out they're too big now. I think I had been saving them to someday shrink back into them, but I missed that window of opportunity! Hope someone at Goodwill gets good use out of them.
8) And speaking of Goodwill, being able to donate tons and tons of clothes. I have always had a ton of clothes, from professional suits to jeans and tshirts. What a pleasure to give them away and know they will be used again! I feel very blessed that I have so many to give away (though when I was heavier it always felt like I had nothing to wear!).
9) and my favorite, having my boyfriend tell me on a regular basis that I'm stunning and a knockout. I don't believe it for a second, but I think he does! Very sweet to hear after wanting to fade into the woodwork my whole life. I met him two months after the surgery, and he tells me he would have dated me even at my heaviest because I'm so wonderful. Sometimes, not all men suck!
Great post idea.
Mary Ellen

This was the geatest New Years post ever!! How far we have all come! Isn't is amazing to be in a place where we are SO appreciative just to be normal!
1. I am so thankful for this surgery and all who encouraged me to go for it!
2. To my husband who never made 1 bad remark about my weight and who has not missed a day complimenting my efforts and my losses!
3. My kids never acting embarassed (although I am sure they were!)
and now....acting SOO proud!
4. Not being afraid to walk into a room of people because of how I look!
5. Being able to get dressed in 2 minutes and looking good even on my worst days!
6. Feeling good about going ANYWHERE!! NO MORE HIDING!
7. I love that my life does not revolve around food....
8. NO MORE HEARTBURN!!!! being able to eat spaghetti in small amounts and not hurting for days afterwords!
9. Having the energy to do WHATEVER needs to be done at work, with kids or around the house!
10. I could keep going and going and going because I feel like someone finally gave me the gift of life! Thanks to Dr. Semone, Livlite, my husband and his employer for feeling it is important to cover weightloss surgery...Thanks to my mom and my kids but most of all..thanks to because without you, I would have NEVER considered weight loss surgery and you put the sugery and the research about it at my finger tips! Everyone on this site has been SO awesome!! OK, so I got a little out of hand, but this is a GREAT thread