on 12/14/05 6:25 am - Scotch Plains, NJ
Hey everyone. Well! I had the surgery on March 29th of 05. I am down to 233 from 330. I married my husband on October 15th. Took a pregnancy test today and its positive. I have a Dr's appt with my obgyn tomorrow night at 7pm. I have to say I have very mixed feelings about this. We are always very careful. But I know no birth control is 100 % BUT wow! We were together 12 years without ay problems. GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIUOS (?) WAYS HUH? My husband AND I are very excited and no matter what we are keeping this child. But have the normal concerns about the surgery and its affects on kids this soon. Anyone have any insight on this? Anyone know of anyone having a child this soon? Any and all responces are welcome. Thanks Darlene
on 12/14/05 6:28 am - Scotch Plains, NJ
on 12/14/05 11:41 pm - Houston, TX
Well, I don't have any information about pregnancy and WLS, but I want to tell you congratulations! It is going to be a busy year for you: just married, WLS, and baby. Wouldn't it be something if it turned out to be twins? (just kidding!) Becky
on 12/15/05 3:17 am - Scotch Plains, NJ
LMAO Becky! Not that any heathy child wouldn't be loved... Two would probaby kill me. Love Darlene
on 12/16/05 2:15 am - Greensboro, NC
congratulations! i have lurked a little on the post-op pregnancy board, and from what i've read you're far enough out now that you should be fine. just curious--were you on the pill? best wishes for a happy & healthy pregnancy!
on 12/17/05 2:04 am - Scotch Plains, NJ
Hi Michelle, No I wasn't on the pill. I can't do the pill because of my blood pressure. We used Condoms: ) Guess my husband has some great swimmers! Can break through latex! Thanks Darlene
on 12/16/05 4:15 am - Monroe, NC
Congrats on the pregnancy. Recent studies have shown that by taking your regular vitamins (2 flinstone complete or equivelent) plus 2 pre-natal vitamins, plus extra sublingual B complex- you can grow a happy healthy baby just fine. Enjoy this pregnancy and worry about losing again later. I just met with my nutirtionist today to plan for pregnancy and she was very helpful. I would recommend getting into a good nutritionist to guide you along. Also Vitamin World sublingual B-Complex test very high when labs are drawn. My surgeon said it is one of the best. When he got my results commented that other patients struggle and thought the brand was to credit. It took my husband and I 13 years to get pregnant and it happened during the one time I was losing weight. I had dropped 43 lbs and it finally happened. Enjoy- take care of you and the little one. PS. A nutritionist can give you ideas on how much or little weight you need to gain. Hope you post pictures of the little tot when he/she arrives!!!!!!!
on 12/17/05 2:08 am - Scotch Plains, NJ
Thanks Pamela, I am working on getting a nutrionist, Spent all day Friday on the phone with my Dr's office and insurance company. I found out it will be covered by my insurance and I am all set. Just need to find a participating one in Aetna and one who is familiar with Gastric Bypass Patients. I really appreciate all the support from everyone. You have all put my mind at ease and your prayers and well wishes are really being felt here. Thanks So Much. Love Darlene
on 1/5/06 4:58 am - Pearcy, AR
Hi Darlene, I am nearly 4 years post op. I weighed 266 when I had my surgery. I had been infertile because of polycystic ovarian syndrome associated with my weight. Well 6 months and 100 pounds after my surgery I was pregnant as well. I was scared and nervous and a little embarrased to be pregnant so soon. I'm happy to report though, that I had a healthy 7lb 2 oz baby girl 2 days before my due date. I gained only 19 pounds during my pregnancy. I have to say that the pregnancy was certainly a lot easier than my first one when I weighed 230. The hardest thing has been that there is that 18 month window when you have the most success with the weight lose. A year after the baby, I was still at 175 which is great for me since I had weighed 266. Well surprise, I was pregnant again! This past April I had a healthy 6lb 14 oz boy. I gained 21 pounds with this pregnancy which is good. I have to tell you though, that when I started creeping toward that 200 pound mark towards the end, I felt a little panicky! I never got there thankfully. My son is now 9 months old and today I weight 181. Don't believe them when they say breast feeding helps you lose weight! Once again I am struggling to lose weight. I know I can do it. I'm back to Weigh****chers again. I know I am better off than I was 4 years ago and certainly the surgery ordeal was worth my 2 beautiful babies. Good Luck! Charmaine
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