when does it stop?

Check out the Over 50 board. Maybe they will have some suggestions for you.
I am 49 - had my surgery March 30th - Am down from 258 to 155 and I know what you mean - I have loose skin under my neck and now when I go to Kroger they offer me the 55 year old senior citizen's discount! When I complain to my friends, they just laugh and tell me to take the discount. I also have the hanging skin on my arms and have the "stomach apron". I think I look "ok" in my clothes, but terrible without them! Also, because of the stomach, it is hard to get pants to fit right - when they fit around stomach they are too big in legs and seat. However, I do feel much better physically so I can deal with it. Will check into seeing if insurance will pay for tummy tuck next year but will have to live with it if they won't. Good luck to you!