Exercise Challenge - Post your numbers
Okay, It has been one week since our exercise challenge. What are your totals for the week.
I'm afraid I didn't do very good this first week out. Only 2 hours for me. I just don't seem to like to exercise much during the week. On weekends no problem but when I come home from work I just don't feel like it. No excuse. I should try doing my exercise in the morning.
Anyway, How has everyone else done?

I have been busy this week but did manage to get some exercise in. I had my 2nd epidural shot on this past wed. so I didnt get much after that done, but since last Sunday I have gotten 4 days @ 20 mins a day off a workout on FitTV.
I am working on other options thoug hbut we will see.
I have uped my protein and water intake...maybe thta is what worked
who knows...but anyhooss..TTFN

Hey Becky,
Way to go on the exercise this week. I was wondering if you watch Cathe Friedrich on FitTV? I think she is great. She has a pretty good website also at www.cathe.com Her workouts are pretty advanced but I bought one of her steps at Walmart and it comes with a dvd. Of course I haven't used it much
but I hope to get going here this week.

I walked/jogged 20 miles this week. I know that may sound like a lot to ya'll, but I have been working at this for months, so of course I have more mileage than the rest of the group. And actually, my total hours are not that high. I just added it up and it's at about 5 hours this week. I am so glad that more Marchers are exercising. We are all going to be looking fabulous and toned (under the extra skin!)