Hi Margie
I'm horrible at computer stuff
so I'm not sure how to post a link, but several of the members have it here on their profile. I lost another 2 lbs, so I'm thinking it works because that is 4 lbs in 5 days and I had been stuck at 195.5 for weeks.
I can tell you the basics. You need to get 45-60 grams of protein from supplements per day. I do shakes. You can eat 3 oz all lean meats such as beef, chicken, fish, etc..., lowfat cheeses, and nuts up to 5 times a day. (I can't eat that much) You have to drink tons of water and exercise everyday. Basically your cutting out carbs and sugars and getting tons of protein. If you post on the main board looking for the plateau buster diet I'm sure someone could hook you up with the specifics. Good luck!