WOW Moment
I had a wonderful WOW moment this week while playing in the backyard with my kids (7 months ago I wouldn't even have been able to "play in the backyard with my kids"). I was playing catch (football) with my son and we decided to start playing a little touch football. He threw me a "kickoff" and I took off running towards him to return it. My 5 year old daughter was in shock! She said, "Daddy, you ran!". In her whole life, she had never seen her father run. Pretty sad. But thank God I was able to get this surgery and turn things around. I am down over 184 pounds in 7 months and feeling great. Hope everyone is doing well, I have been so busy at work that I haven't done much posting or reading lately. Keep on losing!
Chris S.
Hey, Chris!
Your story caused me to flash on a memory of earlier this week. I had just stepped outside, as I got off work, to discover that it was pouring rain. I took off for my car. Not only did I get there quicker than I could have in 20 years, I wasn't even winded!
Brother, these are fun times, are they not?