Before and After Pics -- Nearing 100 pounds
Hey fellow March'ers:
After a 4 week plateau, I've lucked into a few days of quick weight loss (about 1 pound/day for the past 6 days). Last July, I was 347. At surgery, on 3/8, I was down to 330. Today's nice number - 256 - 9 pounds and counting from the big century mark.
Here is a before and after comparison:
July 2004 --
August 2005 --
Another view --
I got tired of losing hair everyday and decided that Uncle Fester would be my new role model.
Have patience plateauers -- you will be able to turn it around.
Now if I can just get my paperwork together to sue the pants off BCBS (a $5000 reimbursement on a $17000 sugeon bill) I'll be good.
Yours, up to the teeth,
Heidi --
Actually, I hate boats. I like harbors.
My best friends are sailors, so I've spent a lot of time on boats. They were a nice diet aid - 30 minutes on Lake Michigan was like a trip to a Roman Vomitorium (shades of Karen Carpenter).
My friends just retired, sold their home and are sailing down to spend the rest of their days island hopping between Florida and South America. Check out their blog at: