Month 4 Biggest Changes? Poll
I can see a difference in myself now. My face looks thinner, I can walk without being in pain constantly. Although I have noticed that there has been a bit of a slow down. I've lost 105 as of yesterday morning, and gone from size 34 jeans to size 22 jeans (fit comfortably). Can't beat the feeling. I still have about 100 lbs to go, but feel great. HEY!!!! I just realized I'M HALF-WAY THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing the things that just suddenly dawn on you.
I have a waist! And legs that don't hurt after sightseeing! And the ability to lose weight on vacation!
I haven't posted in a long time because I wasn't overly ecstatic the first couple of months. I seemed to be losing weight at a lot slower pace than the rest of you, but over the past 2 months, I think I have caught up. I am 73 pounds down, 47 from my modest goal.
Between Greg and I, we have lost 187 pounds, and THAT, my friends, is amazing!
At 4 months out and 93 pounds lighter these are some things I can do and body changes I have noticed.
I can carry my 2 year old and he can sit in my lap without sliding down
I can walk up a flight of stairs without resting or holding on to the rail
My shoe size went down a size
I went from a 24 to a 12
I can go to the amusement park and fit in the ride.
I don't have to rock to one side to get out of a chair
My knees don't give out without warning
I'm just starting to lose some hair
People don't recognize me
I have space between my thighs
My breast disapeared
I can see the out line of my little arm that above the bat wing
My thighs are beginning to reflect a hugh loss by rippling a little
I have a collar bone
I am down to 1 chin from 3
And S*X is greeaaatttt!
27 pounds until goal
I am SO happy with my results. Well, coming up on August 7, I will be 5 months out. I started at 450 and now I am 334, thats a whopping
116 pounds down!!!!
I am wearing a 26/28 and sometimes a 22/24. I was wearing a 36/38. I am walking good. Excellent I should say. I am having terrible back problems though. Before my surgery, I never had back problems in my life, but when I woke up from the surgery, My back was killing me. But, I guess something has to hurt. But anyways, I'm still not eating alot. Sometimes I still forget to eat breakfast and lunch. Well, Good luck to all that are going to have surgery and Congrats to the LOSERS!!!!!
Hugs and Kisses
Lisa McCloud

First, yes, this surgery was the best thing I've ever done for myself. I feel killer good 95% of the time. I've gone from 357 down to 270. Wow.
I haven't had an asthma issue in months. Even though my weight loss was slower this past month, I went down 2 pant sizes (I'm a 22 now, was a 34 pre-op).
I don't have any weird bowel or bathroom issues. Food is going down easier and better, though I still have to remind myself to drink enough.
I think nothing about walking miles or taking flights of stairs.
The only downside is that just when I find jeans I really like they're suddenly too big! Ah well, there's always something.
My blog:
Surgery: 24 March 2005, Dr. Howard Kaufman, USC Hospital
High weight: 367
Surgery weight: 357
Current weight: 270.2