Month 4 Biggest Changes? Poll
I feel awesome, awesome, awesome! I've never felt so good. In the air conditioning, I actually feel COLD now instead of feeling like a cooled off beached whale. I have lost 85 pounds and I find it totally unbelievable that I can wear size 14 clothes! My joints don't hurt as much. I can chase the kidlings around now with no problem. And.......I've actually become fashion conscious - Wow! I wore a bathing suit with NO T-shirt over it - or shorts to cover up. This rocks. It only gets better from here!

I feel alot better and feel really bad about complaining but this month is awful!! The weight just isnt moving!!! I mean I know 64 lbs is alot but does any one ever wonder "is this where I am gonna stay?" I have been getting really bumbed out about it lately!! I guess I read your post on a bad day!!

Yep, didn't feel it until this month. Though I had a stall scale-wise the first few weeks of this month, my body has been adjusting and I've been losing inches. Clothes fit better. I can SEE a difference in the mirror and pictures when I really hadn't noticed changes before - even though I had lost over 80 lbs - I couldnt' see it.
I still have over 120 lbs to go, but love the changes so far! Just fitting into a booth comfortably at restaurants and no longer having to ask for a table is great. Fitting in movie theater seats and live theater seats is awesome!! Going from a 4x to a 2x rocks!!
Great post/question!
-89 lbs

I'd have to say that reaching the Century Club was the biggest thing. Reality that it's really working sets in at that point. I've gone from a 3XL to an XL shirt (which is now hanging a bit loose--might be time to experiment with L's) and from a 56 pant to a 42 (which might also have to be downsized again in a few weeks).
Most of all, I just feel wonderful. The only odd problem is that my back tends to hurt a lot. My chiropractor said it's because I've lost so much weight, so fast. Without all the excess tonnage pulling my back out of proper alignment, my spine is trying to get back to where it's supposed to be, but my back muscles can't keep up with all the sudden changes. Tough problem, right?
The double-takes and gasps from friends and family who haven't seen me in awhile doesn't hurt, either!
Greg (342/228/178)
Hi Melanie,
I had my surgery 1 day after you and, yes, it was definitely worth the money. (And I was a self-pay because my insurance has a WLS exclusion) I've removed 72 pounds but only 3.5 pounds of that was in the first 3 weeks of this month. So far this week 4 more pounds are gone. (go figure) But the inches have really gone down this month. A blouse that I couldn't wear on July 8th fits perfectly now. I guess what they say is true --- even when the scale isn't changing much the measurements can! I love this new life I have now!!!