Out of my venting stage!!!!
Ok I got on the scales yesterday morning and low and behold...I lost 2 lbs!!! YIPEE!!! I hope that broke the rut that I was in!! WHEW!! It was a long 2 weeks!!! So now that puts me at 64 lbs down and only 6.5 to be under 200!!! I get excited thinking about it!!! I got some Taebo (sp?) tapes and I think I might give them a shot!!
Yay!! Congrats on the scale moving again. This has been a tough month for me. I've lost 2 lbs the entire month. Scale won't budge. But I just today started increasing my protein and will be exercising whole-heartedly this week. Hopeing this will jump start the weight loss again. I lost 83 lbs in under 4 months, and only 2 pounds this month. Argggh!! I hate it!!! But I am hanging in there! haha!
-85 lbs