Help stuck for 2 weeks now
Hello everyone
I really need advice! I have been stuck for 2 weeks and am getting
very frustrated. I walk 3-5 times a week on the treadmill.
I'm not to great with the protein. I was very sick the first month
after my surgery and once you throw up protein shakes they are
very hard to get down again. I have wasted about $300 on different
types trying to fine one I can stomach. I do okay with the water.
I still get sick alot tryin to eat but some days are better that others.
Of course the bad food goes down no problem!!!
Any advise will help me out!!!!!!!!
thanks Lori
Of course we are all going to have those periods when we "plateau" but u will overcome that. I think it's very important to get your protein in... it took me a few different brands until I could find one that I could handle... It is called Pro Rated and I have the bavarian chocolate kind. I just mix it with water but u can mix it with milk if u would prefer that. I know everybodys taste is different and especially if it has made u sick. I can understand why u dont want it aymore- but try the best u can to get it in and maybe that will help u start losing again. Good luck- I hope I helped!
Ask your surgeon if you can try the protein bars, Advant Edge makes some really good ones and you can get them at Kroger or WalMart. Some of them are kinda sweet but if you get the low carb ones, they're really pretty good. And since most of them are chocolate covered, they help when you're craving the "bad food".
I couldn't tolerate the shakes either and now just refuse to drink them but since my surgeon oked the bars, I've been doing pretty good.
Lap RNY 3/21/05