Ended up the hospital...

Courtney E.
on 5/17/05 4:26 am - Beachwood, NJ
Hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooo my fellow March babies! (or are we toddlers yet? I'm not sure!) First off, thank you to EVERYONE that has been such a support--last week I made a miserable post. I appreciate everyone's kind words and helpful advice. Here's an update. Friday, after speaking with my surgeron, I ended up the the ER up in North Jersey where I had the surgery. We did X-Rays and blood work and found out that I was low in both my potassam and magnesium levels and was severely dehydrated. After being on 150 ml IV of fluids, I was still vomiting. So they ended up going to take a look with an endoscopy and sure enough, the top of my small intestines had healed so much, it was almost closed--hence why everything was coming back up. They stretched it out and I can now keep liquids down. I will have to go back in two weeks to have the procedure done again (they couldn't stretch it to the point that it needs to be). Hopefully two times is the charm. Five days later, I finally came home. I found it funny though that when I had my surgery, I was at the hospital for 4 days--this time I was there longer. Oh well. Sure, it's not good news, buttttt it is a relief to know what was wrong and that we can fix it and I don't have to be miserable. Yesterday and today I have been drinking like there is no tomorrow--and it feels good!!! Anyway, hope all of you are doing well--and seriously folks, if you aren't feeling good for more than a day or two--call your surgeon. We don't need to be miserable!!!! Courtney
on 5/17/05 4:46 am - San Francisco, CA
Hi Courtney! This sounds like dajavu (sp?). I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. I had my surgery on 3/30 and did superbly for 3 weeks. Then suddenly, I couldn't eat or drink and ended up in the hospital for 5 days (was only in the hospital 2 days when I had the surgery to begin with)! They found the same thing had happened to me. My surgeon said that my body healed so well so fast that it caused it basically to close and hence why you can't eat or drink anything. To day I have had 2 endoscopy's with dilation. What a HUGE difference it makes after they do the procedure. I am scheduled to have another one on June 2nd, because as you know, they can only dilate it so far without fear of perferation. (Needless to say, we DON'T want that!) So, things have been much better. I mean to tell you though, that I was in such a mental and emotional mess due to having the strictures. I'm so happy that they have figured out the problem. Things will get better. It's been just over a week ago since they did the 2nd Endoscopy. I'm hoping that the 3rd time will be charm. At least with the anethesia the procedure is comfortable. The only real issue I had was with a sore throat for about 1 1/2 days afterwards. Anyway, good luck and hang in. We'll fight this together! Take care, Sue
Courtney E.
on 5/18/05 1:24 am - Beachwood, NJ
Sue--You are preaching to the choir!!! I do feel better than I did before--although I still have a 'sour stomach.' I am keeping liquids down however and that is a step in the right direction. I too am a bit of a mess, so I'm looking into going to speak with someone because I am having nightmares etc about the surgery that aren't going away. I think we need to just keep reminding ourselves that in 6 months, things will be better and this will all be worth it. How soon after your endoscopy did you return to work? I"m thinking that I"m heading back tomorrow considering I will have to take another day or two off in two weeks. Hope you are feeling better...maybe 3 times is the charm!! Courtney
on 5/18/05 5:13 am - San Francisco, CA
Hi Courtney, I actually went back to work the next day. The 2nd time I had it was on a Friday, so then I had the weekend to rest up. I'm getting ready to call my surgeon again, as my next procedure is scheduled for June 2nd and I'm already having problems again. Other than liquids and soft food like pudding, I am struggling again to keep things down. I'm getting so tired of dealing with all of this. It really wears you down mentally, emotionally as well as physically. Hopefully they'll get me in early again. I'm trying to stay positive, but some days are easier than others. I keep trying to think that what you said, in 6 months, this will be way behind us! At this point it can't come soon enough. I'm just 7 weeks out today! Hope you're doing better. Take care, Sue
Jodi S.
on 5/17/05 5:04 am - Templeton, CA
Courtney, Wow, I'm so glad you called your doctor and they figured out what was going on. Sorry you had to experience this, but so glad your on the road to recovery. Hugs, Jodi
BullDog Lady
on 5/17/05 7:18 am - Somewhere GREAT!
Bless your heart COurtney... Seems like you have been ran through the mill literally. In anycase I am glad you are better and I most defintly concurr with what you are saying. IF you are not feeling well do consult your doc. DOn't put off something that you don't know that could be life threatning. to you all Becky
on 5/17/05 11:02 am - Woodridge, NY
Glad that you called and got it taken care of! Sorry you have to go through a second procedure, but better that than to keep upchucking!! Hang in there and best of luck. Cheryl
on 5/18/05 3:16 am - Circleville, OH
The same thing happened to me... I had my surgery and 2 weeks to the day I was back in the hospital having a scope and getting stretched out... I had that done on a Tuesday and on Wednesday I felt like a new person... I dont have to go back again unless I start having more problems... so far so good... Keep your head up it will get better
Bonnie M.
on 5/25/05 3:18 pm - San Diego, CA
Courtney, I am glad to hear that you got the problem solved! I hope you are feeling better by now! Take care, Bonnie
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