Why am I always cold!!!!!!!!

Joel D.
on 4/27/05 9:12 pm - marysville, WA
Ever since I have had my surgery 1 month ago I have these extreme temperature differences. At times I awake in the middle of the night so cold my teeth are chattering and I cannot seem to get warm. I sleep with sweat pants, t- shirt, sweat shirt, socks, and 2 thick blankets. I have taken my actual temp and it comes up 97.5 or something like that. Then at other times I get warm for no reason and start to sweat this sweating typically starts about 15 minutes after I take majority of my A.M. medication or my protien powder through my feeding tube.While I am sweating I take my temp and it is around 98.5 or close to normal. I have been told that this is something like hypoglycemics feel or my version of the dumping syndrome. Has this happened to anyone else or is this just another specil treat for me. Joel Droba
Jan B
on 4/27/05 10:22 pm - Rehoboth, MA
I am also cold all the time. It seems to be a very commom side effect of WLS. Before our bodies were always running hot to try to burn off the excess caloires that we consumed. Now there is a calorie shortage. I walk around the house with a polar fleece throw blanket wrapped around me most of the time now. I least I won't be hot and miserable all summer like last year. Jan B
on 4/27/05 10:53 pm - Flower Mound, TX
I had the same thing happen to me Joel, a couple weeks after surgery. It seems to have gotten better now and I am no longer cold, but I am able to have the temp in the house several degrees warmer than before. Now my wife doesn't have to walk around all day in a sweatshirt! I'm sure it will improve for you. Chris S.
on 4/27/05 11:56 pm - oakdale, CA
I am the same way... Dr. said that its because we are all on a LOW FAT diet now and thats what keeps our temps. normal... GO figure?? Janice -34pds Best of luck to all.
David S.
on 4/28/05 12:13 am - Pittsburgh, PA
This is my first post on this site. I am still getting used to this site, but you haved touched on a subject that interest me very much. I am freezing. Cold just does not explain what I am feeling. I used to be hot all the time, but now I cant keep warm enough. My hands, my feet, everything on me is freezing all the time. I am still tring to adjust to post-op life. I have no side effects of any kind, except I am frezzing cold. Does it get better, or should I just try to get used to it. Last week it was 75 degrees one day. Befor I would have been in shorts and a t-shirt crying how hot it is, but now I had on jeans, a t-shirt, Long sleeved shirt and a hoodie. Any advice for a freezing person. also any advie on how i can navagate this site better, or locate some people to find out and share info with who also had syrgery. thanks for your time.
on 4/28/05 1:49 am - Spokane, WA
Hi Joel, I too am always freezing and am usually under 2 blankets if just sitting in the day time. At night I am so cold I can't get to sleep. My hubby jokes that we have now changed places and maybe the battle over the themostat will end (except now he is hot and I am still freezing). I have had periods of time after I have eaten where I have to throw off the blankets because I am sweating but within a few minutes I am pulling them back on! I think we are going to shiver ourselves skinny!
on 4/28/05 5:10 am - CO
I'm sitting here at work with the heater on and my mini heater on and a jacket because i am FREEZING!!! Of course it is supposed to snow here...but still... Kerri ;)
Donna I
on 4/28/05 6:34 am - Glen Ellyn, IL
I was very cold for the first two to three weeks after surgery. I'd get into bed under a down comforter and blankets and shake. My teeth literally chattered. Then, during week three, I was fine. I think part of it might have been the liquid diet I was on for the first 2 weeks. So, hang in there. I think it will pass eventually.
on 4/29/05 1:47 am - Warminster, PA
Hello to all of my March friends! has everyone had their iron levels checked? The most common side effect of anemia (low iron levels) is cold extremities. Check that out. I hope this helps! God Bless, Beth 281/245
Bonnie M.
on 4/29/05 2:48 pm - San Diego, CA
When I got out of surgery and for the first couple of weeks I was really hot all the time- now I feel cold all the time and my doctor says that it is a normal occurance after having this surgery! You are not alone on this one Hang in there! Bonnie
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