Out to dinner last night and very sick...
I was a bit nervous but I thought I should be okay. I have been slowly increasing the amount I can put in. I had eaten in public before and I was fine. I did have a buffalo chicken wing, a tiny bit of lettuce and a tomatoe slice (plum), salmon which i had about 4 bites of and two bites of my husbands prime rib. The prime rib and the next thing is probably what did me in...I couldn't pass up the bread....it sat there for a long time. No one touched it and I am the one that said do you want a piece of bread and I touched it to slice it. it was warn pumpernickel so I had half a slice and of course I had to have the whipped butter! Thinking now I bet that butter has sugar in it.
So all in all the amount of food was minimal. I think it was the array of food and the fact that the bread expanded in my stomach. I felt it in my chest. It felt like the food was all the way in my throat. I made the 20 minute drive home but really thought my DH would have to pull over.
When I got home, I vomitted. it was a weird experience because it did feel like it came right from my neck. Afterwards I immediately felt physically better. Thank god I wasn't sick all night. Felt a bit drained but much better.
So that ends that. I will be having the broiled scrod next month at the wedding shower, no bread or pasta or salad. I may have to go for a walk during that time if I can't control myself.
It is sort of funny to say control myself....you would think I was gorging but it is the amount of food that i used to eat in one mouthfull (a slight exaggeration..slight).
Well I have gone on long enough. If you made it this far, don't overeat and don't mix different foods.
I am sorry to hear you got sick, That is my biggest fear right now. I have not dumped yet, and have been eating out trying different restaurants. I know I'm pretty safe if I stick to grilled chicken breast, mashed potatoes, and maybe a veggie. I have even had the cheese off a pizza and did fine..
I've been reading alot of people talking about wendy's chili, so yesterday I tried it and it was good..
I love bread, so thanks for the warning!
Good luck to you,
Yeah, we were warned: Bread is an absolute no-no. It just doesn't digest enough this early. If you really want "bread" flavor, a cracker or some tortilla MAY work (eat a little at a time and see if you tolerate it). Whipped butter and the fat from the prime rib probably didn't help (nor the lettuce and tomato--we were also warned no raw veggies for a year).
Actually, the vomiting probably saved you from dumping because of the fat in the butter and prime rib.
Nothing like learning from personal experience. My only issue, so far, has been eating protein bars too fast. I think it maybe the maltitol they often use as sugar substitute but, if I eat a protein bar within, say, one hour, I feel like I'm going to bring it up for an hour or two afterwards. So far, I've held it down, but I now eat them over the course of about 3-4 hours.
Yep, bread expands in our system now and I gag it up too. I'm the same way with chicken right now - all I have is a bite or two and it comes right back up. Once I'm done gagging it up I feel fine, and like you, it comes from my chest, so I think that the food didn't even get down to my pouch.
Isn't this stage fun, fun, fun? Learning what foods we can eat and not eat. Ugh!

I understand how you feel. I avoid bread unless its been toasted but even then I don't eat much of it. I was craving pizza the other day and I gave in and had a slice. I took one regular bite and resorted to just eating the toppings. But all in all it still satisfied the craving. It's funny because I tried to do a lower carb diet once before I had this surgery. Stuck with it for 3 months and not eating bread was the hardest but for some reason its not as difficult this time around (maybe because I know what bread will do to me). Anyways, good luck with everything.
I think your pouch was too full or didn't like the grease.
I have only rejected food twice, once was meatballs (that I ate too soon after surgery) and once for drinking too fast.
Rejection is way better then dumping in my opinion. Lots less time in the bathroom.
I have eaten steak with no problem. Just have to chew it really good.
I don't really like tortillas because when I chew them up, they kind of become a lump of dough in my mouth and I feel like that probably won't be good to swallow.
I too LOVE bread and the first time we went out to dinner, I really wanted a whole loaf of bread.
Instead I took a bite out of the crust. It was so yummy.
I also recently had my first mixed food. So far it is usually individual food, yoguart, jello, string cheese, cottage cheese, etc...
So I thought I'd brave it and I had a red sauced medley my DH made. It had hamburger, green peppers, onions, cheese and some other things in it. Pouch had no problem.
Everyone has to test things at their own speed. But as my long time WLS friends tell me, just cause it went down with no problem this time, is no guarentee that it will the next time.

Hi Kelly..
I must say you have alot of guts to try all those foods..I am so nervous about dumping..knock on wood I haven't vomitted yet..But, yesterday was a bad day for me..I was making DH and the rest of the family homemade potato pancakes..the smell was 2 die for ..
..I felt that the devil
was sitting on one shoulder and a angel
on the other..well..guess who won..I ended up eating one..the guilt was killing me..but I was fine. I kinda of wish I would of gotten sick to teach me a lesson..but then about 2 hours later I was eating salmon..and a piece got stuck..I thought I would be sick , but the feeling faded after 15 minutes or so..all I can think of , is g-d was punishing me for that potato pancake..
Well I wish us all luck with our new life, aswell as those food experiences!!