Leg Cramping?
Anybody else experiencing leg cramps? I have felt as if my legs are going to cramp up practically ever since I have been home from the hospital. I have had people tell me it is because of dehydration, and others say it is due to calcium deficiency. I am drinking liquids and taking my calcium chews per instructions. I plan to ask doctor about it at 1 month check up, just wondered if anyone was having the same problem.
I am not experienceing leg cramping, but I am having pain in my hips in the last two weeks. It seems like my body can't stay asleep for more than 7 hours befor my hips start hurting. I have chalked it up to the amont of walking that I am doing, about an hour each day.
I takes your body a while to adjust. My surgeon told me that I would hate how I felt for about 2-3 months, then I would love him forever!!
(Don't tell, but even with the pain I already do love him!)
That is a sign of LOW potassium which can be VERY serious if not treated (could result in stroke, heart attack, etc.). So take a potassium supplement daily or eat a 1/2 a banana (ma**** up or put it in a smoothie) and that'll help. It's fixable. I had low potassium (2.9) about 3 weeks post-op and take a potassium pill and/or eat foods high in potassium now to help that.