29 days -24 pounds???HELP
I had RNY on March 21st...I was -16 pounds at 15 days....Then I went -24 last Sunday,and haven't lost any since...Could this be a plateau???
I have been eating fine,no bad side effects..Don't feel hungry,don't feel full..I get in plenty of liquids...Eat soft foods like cottage cheese,refried beans,soups,yogurt,pudding and jello...I drink 60 grams of protein a day,plus the foods I eat....I do seam to be constipated alot,but I do go a little often....Am I crazy,or should I be losing ALOT more????? IS THIS NORMAL?
I've read a lot of posts that say there is a plateau at 3 to 4 weeks out. I think of it this way. I probably used to eat over 5,000 calories some days. After surgery, I probably eat an average of 500 calories a day. How can I NOT lost weight! So try not to worry. You know it will work. Our bodies probably go into shock anyway. I think the body and it's ability to recover is an absolute miracle! Hang in there. It will melt away! Good luck. hugggs, Heidi

Hi Beverly,
I went through the same exact thing. I had my surgery on 3/22/05 and I've lost 28lbs. I try not to weigh myself all the time because I get discouraged. However, I do recommend measuring your body because believe it or not you are losing inches. The protein is going to maintain your muscle mass and we all know it weighs more than fat so that may be why you are not seeing any difference on the scale. You would be surprised after measuring how many inches you are losing.
Good Luck.
Yes, it is normal to go through plateaus. I went through my first one myself... It is very discouraging but just try and get through those periods the best that you can. Our bodies are in shock right now from the tremendous amounts that we have lost thus far. As long as you get in your protein, water, and are excersizing you will definately lose. Congrats on your loss so far
and hang in there! I wish you much success in the future. Stay positive and know that we all go through these times.

Yes beverly you are not only one. I had Surgery March 16th, 2005 and I have lost 5 pounds a week. getting discouraged because I dont feel hungry and I am doing everything I should be doing, yet this week.....nothing lost. The only thing I could figure was maybe my hormones??? I am due to have my cycle, and I have heard some women gain ten pounds even tho they have had the surgury....just for that week tho. Chin up... we will get thru this.

Hey I will gladly trade... as I had OPEN RNY surgery on the 28th of March and gained 15 pds in water in 5 days at the hospital. I lost that (Thank GOD for Lasix) and 15 more pounds since then. So in 3 weeks, my total actual loss is ONLY 15 pds
You can't count the water loss.... I am increasing my water and exercise and hope that helps!!!!! So HANG IN THERE it could be worse..... you could be ME!!!
I also had the surgery on March 21st. In my first week I loss 19 lbs. I just went to my Dr for my 1 month follow up yesterday and in my 3 additional weeks I only loss an additional 10 lbs, making it a total of 29 lbs. I was really discouraged and then my Dr. put it in perspective for me--he asked me when the last time it was that I loss 29 lbs in 4 weeks? He has a point. He also warned me that it is completely normal to hit a plateau 4 weeks out and the GREAT thing is that our plateau will not last. He said to keep doing what I'm doing and to trust him that the pounds will come off. I was discouraged last night, but now that I've read everyone else's posts that we are all hitting similiar mile markers, I feel better and I hope you do too. Keep your head up--you are 24 lbs lighter and you will NEVER have those 24 lbs back--you are doing a great job and it will come off. Just keep up the good work!--Courtney

24lbs is awesome!! For the life of me, I can't figure out why people are so discouraged by that. Since surgery almost a month ago, I've lost 23lbs and I'm thrilled. I lost a whole bunch the first two weeks and am now losing right around 3lbs a week. As long as I'm losing and not gaining (even if it was only a loss of half a pound) I'm happy. I definitely agree with everyone else, take your measurements. The inches are coming off. As for what someone said earlier, muscle doesnt weigh more than fat, its more dense which means it takes up less space than fat. So you may lose a pound a fat, but gain a pound of muscle and the scale of course isnt going to move but you're taking up less space now. Eventually, the scale will move again. It's bound to since we aren't taking in very many calories. All I can say is be patient. You're doing everything you are supposed to and I don't doubt that you will have much success losing the weight you desire. Most people I know who have lost over 100lbs started out just like this and averaged 2-5lbs lost per week.