Jabbing Pain
I"m 3 weeks post-op tomorrow. I have been having occasional jabbin pains in the area next to my belly button. But this morning when I woke up it is a bit more severe. When I bend or turn a certain way, I get a shooting pain and have to guard the area. It's too early to call the surgeon, I go see him on Thursday anyway. Just thought someone might have a clue what it could be.
I had a similiar pain. When I went to my doctor a week post-op, I was warned that this is a "normal" pain due to the fact that it is the muscle that they used to insert the camera. I would however, make my dr aware of the pain and see what he says. Eventually, my pain has gone away, although in certain positions or if I turn too fast, I do get the soreness. Good luck!--Courtney

That could be a number of things. I think you should call the surgeon as soon as possible. Just call the office maybe he would take you sooner than your appointment date. Especially if you are feeling any type of discomfort. Don't ever wait on a scheduled appointment if you are in any type of distress. I'm sure there is a number you can call even after hours. Good luck and I pray that it is nothing serious.
I have had a similar pain, and was told it was a normal part of the healing process. Since the pain isn't constant, and only happens when you turn a certain way, I think you should be fine to wait until you go for your doctor's appointment. Sometimes, even though it seems strange, gas can get caught up and cause pain that is called referred, since it will hurt at a place other than where the gas pocket is located. The most common place to get gas pain is in the right shoulder, oddly enough.