Check-up today and Question on Pain
Hey everyone--I didn't know that there is this board--I"m glad to meet you all. Anyway, I had my surgery on 3/21 and today I'm going to my surgeron for my 1 month follow up. I'm a little nervous and I have ton of questions for him. Today I will also meet with the dietician. I do have a concern however, I had been eating fine, and all of a sudden, foods that have been agreeing with me are no longer working. And I'm not vomiting--I am just getting this horrible pain (feels like I am having a heart-attack) Does anyone else suffer from this problem? If so, what are you doing to ease the pain? Thanks!
I have also had this pain... my surgeon told me it was either from drinking or eating too fast! Take your time when you eat or drink... it will be trial and error as far as finding out what your stomach will be able to handle as well. Talk to your doctor though and see what he says. Good luck and I hope you feel better

I have had the sam intense pain too when I have had cottage cheese and an egg. Someone said it could also be that the food is not moist enough. I am 3-weeks post op and I couldn't imagine eating any slower than I do, but if it will alleviate the chest pain, I will eat slower.
I thought it was my chest, but my doc said it is my stomach, which sits high up. I was real scared because the pain also moved to my upper back.
I had the foamies and then threw up and then I had felt better.
Hope you do better and your recover goes smooth.
Hi Courtney,
I have had the pain that you are talking about.
It certainly does feel like you must be having a heart attack for it to hurt like that. I have found tho that it is caused from when I eat too fast and also when I don't chew well enough. The pain has always gone away on its own but when I saw the nutritionist she said she thought the pain was because I eat too fast. Good Luck. Let us know what the doc says ok?
Roxi M.