On my way to a new healthier me...
Love your attitude. Just what I needed to hear. We had surgery about the same time and I've been pissed because I lost 15 lbs. in the first 14 days and then only lost 3 lbs. since. Then, today, the coup de grace. I've gained 2 lbs.! Considering I eat about 700 calories a day, it's not because I'm binging. I just need to be patient and grateful like you. Thanks for your great example.
Thank you for your email. Just do as I do and just ignore the scale completely. Focus on how you are going to feel once you reach your goal weight. For me my target weight loss is 10 pounds per month. If I do better than that then hooray for me. Don't let that scale defeat you. It's not even about what you weight at this point. It is all about how you feel as a person. Focus on a healthy you and just be the best you that you can be. You did not put that weight on overnight and it won't fall off easily if you are always watching the scale. Some days we as women gain water weight and we get bloated as well. So just look at those 2 pounds you gain as water weight. I'm sure it will come off quickly once you stop focusing on the numbers on the scale and focus on a healthy new you.
Nothing taste sweeter than success!!!
Your positive attitude inspires me so much!! You words I take to heart because that is the kind of attitude we all need to have about ourselves. We are all going to succeed and accomplish the new goals we have set for ourselves! I admire each and every one of us who have had this surgery because it is definitley not easy. Our lives will be bettered greatly throughout this journey and we all will have accomplished something so great by the end. I wish you much success in your weight loss journey and look forward to talking to you again!!

Hi Bonnie,
I just wanted to thank you again for your reply. I love the attention actually, but on a serious note. I am happy to hear that I have inspired someone. I hope that any body that's in eye view of my responses can relate to where I am coming from. I know that we all decided to have the surgery for our own reasons, but we need to focus on self motivation. No one can know how you feel on a day to day basis, but you. I know that we have our days where we are totally invincible. Then we have our days where we ask ourselves if I really need to get out of bed today? We have to get our bodies moving. Day by day we should all try to commit to some sort of routine where we can make that extra step. Parking your car a little further from your destination helps a little. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. If you feel that climbing flights of stairs is too stressful right now try this: Use the elevator to go up and the stairs to come down. Let's say you work on the 17th floor, take the elevator to the 15th floor. I'm sure 2 flights of stairs won't kill you (just a thought people). Know your limits and don't be afraid to do something a little different. This is much more than I intended to write, but oh well! One last thing before I go. Bite for bite equals pound for pound. We must all strive for success!!!
Hi Alison,
Thank you for your reply. It seems as though I could have lost more than I have lost so far. I am pleased with the progress that I have made thus far. This is not an Olympic race for me to lose the weight. Sure I'd like the pounds to literally fall off me, but on a realistic point of view that's not going to happen. I am taking my time to discover a new and healthy me. I am taking this time to focus on what my life will be like when I am at my goal weight. The jaw dropping stares from my friends and family. The shopping in a regular department store (good-bye Avenue). I am focusing on the new me. Trust me I have a long way to go before I reach my goal, but I plan to enjoy this experience to the fullest. It has taken me more than 20 years to put this weight on, so if it takes me 2 years or more to lose it who am I to argue with that timetable? I am focused on success not how long it's taking me to lose each pound. I know there is a thin me trapped inside this body that is just waiting to be exposed. Good luck to you on your journey to a new healthy you.