Girl talk...
Hi ladies...I was wondering if any of you have had trouble with your period after surgery?? I am now 6 days late (someting that is a NEVER with me usually) and was wondering if anyone else has experience this??
I am not prego...
have tubes cut, tied and burned....but even so, I did check just to see....I am just feeling kind of bloated and yet I have not started so, I am curious....thanks ladies! JK

Thanks for letting me know that I am not alone! I had a VERY light and short period right after surgery, so I expect this one will be a doosy when it does show it's ugly face....actually, I could care if it ever comes back...I just don't want to keep feeling like it is coming any minute, then it is a no show....anyway...thanks again for your in usual, it always helps!
I am in that "special" peri-menopause business, too, and generally have a period every three months. I had one in February so I figured I was A-OK for the surgery in March. WRONG! I got another period 5 days before my surgery. Fortunately, it was done by the day before. *Whew*
I think one reason our periods get funny after the surgery is a combination of the surgery itself as well as a very fat restricted diet. Estrogen is a fat-dependent hormone, and if you don't take in enough of it, it can mess up your cycles, kind of like a runner with a very low body fat percentage.
I don't know about anyone else, but bloated usually means one's right around the corner. Yuck!