Yes, my doctor told me it was normal to have bad breath because we are not consuming enough carbohydrates. It causes our bodies to start breaking down protein for energy(ketosis). I was told that I could use paper mints like the listerine pocket packs and that the bad breath will go away as soon as we are able to consume more carbs.

It does get better. I was doing protein drinks prior to surgery to help with my weight loss. I went through the bad breath thing at that time. I'm not having that problem right now.
As for the body odor. It takes a while for the anesthesia to make it's way out of your body and it has it's own unique smell.
Listerine breath strips & some perfume should help you a bit.
I so agree... also, (blush) I noticed the many vitamins, suppliments, ect I am on... have changed the smell of my urine, not to mention less water than I used to drink. While I am trying to get 64 oz in, sometimes, I just CAN****er sometimes makes m y stomach hurt and i get SO SICK of Cyrstal light....
WLS veterans at my local support group say this is NORMAL. The ketosis thing is what it is. Fat is BURNING inside your body - guess it has to emulsify somewhere, ey? They say it's normal and it goes away after a while, but while you are in the first several months of losing a lot of weight, it is stronger and more noticable than later and eventually goes away (because we have to stop losing weight sometime!). So it's normal.
Take that smell as a BLESSING.
The fat has to get out of your system somewhere, so it comes out in breath, urine, stool and sweat.
My husband says I have dragon breath and old lady smelling urine.
It is a pain to deal with and I have to eat mints all the time, but it is a sign that it is working. It will decrease as our weight lose decreases, but it is going to be pretty bad for a few months, but rejoice, that only means that the WLS is working!!!
and for every bad breath that I exhale, is nasty fat that is no longer in my system