Hi Rechelle,
I am cold all the time now too. Even in bed under the blankets! It is not uncommon to see me with 2 blankets covering me when I am sitting and watching TV. Hubby thinks it is great since he always thought I kept it too cold in here. I have been setting the heat at 72 and still need a blanket! Maybe it will help us shiver ourselves skinny! Roxi M
I am cold all the time also!
Its rare to see me without a sweatshirt!
My hubby says that this summer outta be interesting! We normally keep the house cold with the A/C. He says that this summer I will still want my goose down blanket!
I always was hot and now I am cold. I actually like it, because to me that means that I am losing some of my layers. I will take the cold to lose the pounds!