I can't believe it !!!
Well, I just got back from shopping and could not believe that I was able to buy a dress 2 sizes smaller than I was wearing 2-3 weeks ago.
My weight loss has been SO SLOW compared to others who had their surgery about the same time as I did. I was so discouraged, but it was nice to shop today. Hubby and I are going to a Sat. afternoon church wedding in Austin this weekend. I was able to buy a cute 2 pc Bob Mackie Dress ON SALE!!!! It is pretty soft pastels very "spring".... And a Hat to match ! I love hats but never wore them because my face was too fat.... but I think I look good in it and feel so pretty !! All the way home, I kept humming that song... "went to a Garden Party"... remember that one????

Thanks for all the positive reinforcement!! I am excited about this weekend...nervous too. We will have a catered lunch (I have no idea where or what???) followed by cake and champange @ the couples house... I am wondering.. it will be a long day.... how will I get my protein in... and whats to eat... its worse than taking a baby somewhere... you have to plan for all contingencies..... anyway..... i think I will take some protein powder with me the NECTAR that you can add to ice water.... it will be nice to get out and socialize... I miss that.... been home bound too much here lately... but enjoying the break from work for awhile