Well I am still alive 14days later
I was just released from the hospital today which is 14 days after I entered on March 30th for a Roux en Y. I have not eaten or drank any liquids for the past 14 days as I developed a whole list of complications after my surgery from Leaking, bleeding, massive infections and and emergency surgery the day after my first to save my life. I am sitting here right now with 2 drains and a feeding tube by which I get the only nutrition I can for right now. They tell me a few more weeks and things should be back to where I should be which is clear liquids and such for my pouch. At that time they will pull the drains and feeding tube from my abdomin with no pain meds or anything and in the DR.s Office. If you have never felt this treat believe me it is not comfortable. I went into the hospital at 402 and I now weigh 418 becasue I am so full of all of those fluids they pumped me with in the hospital. My current lung capacity is of a 8 year old girl, as for everyday in the hospital it takes 3 to recover from it in your breating and lungs. This is what makes you so tired after the surgery.
If you spoke with me 3 days ago I would have told you I made the worst mistake of my life having the surgery but today I am more optomistic and momentarily I am still glad I went through with it. Just make sure you are aware these things happen I spent all of my time worring about death which is actually quite rare but my problem they see more often than you think. If you are or have been in a similiar situation please contact me and tell me how you are doing now. I know the weight will drop off as soon as I get my health back and then look out world the new improved Joel is here and seriously in charge I will write more as my strength improves. I wish nothing but greatness for all of you who have yet to take the plunge to the loosing side come join us the water is just fine.
Joel Droba

Wow Joel!
You sure have had a rough time.
I am so sorry that you had to go thru all that. I gained 6 lbs myself while I was in the hospital and was discouraged. I wanted to tell you that I work with a gal that had simular complications to yours, she had to have an emergency surgery to repair a leak and almost died on the table. She spent about a week in the hospital and very much regretted having the surgery. Now she is happy, healthy and losing nicely. Hang in there. We are here for you and you are in my prayers.
Roxi M

Wow Joel. I'm so sorry you had such a terrible time. YOu need to rest, and recover from this, and YOU WILL SUCCEED. I'm sure you wonder Why did I do this to myself, but I truly believe it will be worth it. Keep your positive attitude and you can do anything.
Praying for your speedy recovery...
Welcome Home Joel!!
You are to be commended for your awesome attitude!! And given the time to heal, You will be SOOO glad you had the surgery! I also gained weight (11 pds) while in the hospital! It is hard to get on the scale the day they send you home and see that...but mine came off REALLY fast and then I could start the real losing. I do not include that weight gain in my losing total although I know some do! You will be in my prayers and I am believing that you will recoup faster than they say! Keep you chin up and remember we are here if you need to vent! JK

I completely understand how you feel. I went in for surgery March 22nd and two days later had to have a second surgery due to internal bleeding. I ended up with two drains and a tube down my nose as well. I was in the hospital for 9 days and by about day 7 I was an emotional wreck. I told everyone that I wish I had never had the surgery at all. They let me go home two days later and its been almost 3 weeks since the second surgery. I'm doing great now. I'm moving around fine. I still have a slight infection from the second incision sight. But other than that, I've gone back to work full time and despite a little pain, things seem to be moving up. The weight has dropped for me too. I've lost right around 20lbs. The regrets I had are starting to go away. I'm even able to eat with no problems. So all I can say is hang in there. Try to walk every day and move around because it will seriously help you get back to a healthy you. Before you know it, you are gonna be losing weight and feeling great. Good luck. Oh yeah, as for the drains, they didnt hurt the slightest when they took them out so I wouldnt worry about not being on any pain meds when they do that.
Sorry for the complications and their affects on you. Most of us are very lucky considering that WLS surgery is complicated and many bad things can happen. I really believe that my surgery was worth the risk and it seems from your post that you're starting to believe it too. Take the time to bounce back and then see what happens to your body. I'm sure you'll feel that the misery was worth it about a year from now. Keep healing and follow the directions your surgeon gives you to make it all happen!
Hey Joel,
Hang in there! I'm so sorry you had such a rough time, but am glad to hear you are home, even though you have the drains and tubes and all. Give your body time to heal. Remember, we larger folk don't always heal as well as those skinny minis, so let your body heal. Listen to the doctors, and get yourself healthy again. Meanwhile, we're all thinking of you and praying for you.