Help with fluid
I need some help understanding how you get in 70 oz of water AND 70 g of protein!?! I seem to do great with either\or, but both at the same time...Can't seem to do it. Any suggestions will help me. I know that I need to improve in this area but I don't really know the best way to accomplish this. I walk around with a water bottle ALL the time and have even tried drinking a short while after eating to help "wash" food out of my pouch so that I can get more protein in (cheating I know) but I am still not getting it in! Thanks guys for all you help and support!
Here's what I've been doing. Hope this helps.
Breakfast - 8 oz. Carb Countdown FF Milk mixed with Isopure Dutch Chocolate 1 scoop. = 37 grams
Then I drink a 16.9oz bottle of water. So now I"m up to 24 oz of liquid.
Lunch = 2oz. tuna, or 2 oz. of cottage cheese
Then I drink Isopure Ready Made Fruit Flavored drink. 20 oz.= 40 carb.
Now I have 77 carbs for the day.
Then I drink another 16.9 oz bottle of water.
Dinner tonight was 2 pureed meatballs. And I am now drinking a 16.9 oz bottle of crystal lite Ice Tea.
So now I"m up to probably 78 oz water, roughly.
Hope this helps.
Those are GOALS for you to get to eventually. Do what you can now to work up to that. I'm 5 weeks out and I STILL haven't attained the 70g of protein a day ONCE! I think a couple days I got in about 60. I'm still healing so am patient and am trying not to focus too much on the numbers right now. I do drink as much water as I can. Usually 40-60 oz a day. More when I exercise. So just hang in there. Don't feel bad about not meeting the goals yet. It takes time. You are still a newbie out of surgery. Baby steps. You'll get there!

Well don't feel bad, I can't seem to do either. Actually the best I can suggest is to try ProComplex. If you drink one of those a day, its 55grams of protein and then just try to eat food with protein in it. As for the fluids, remember that it's any fluid. So if you drink a protein shake, that's considered fluids and your food will have some fluids in it as well. I carry a water bottle around with me everywhere and just make sure to drink some every few minutes. It's really tough. I've been switching it up with crystal light and stuff just so its something different. If you like sugar free popsicles, try having a few of those a day. It counts as fluid also.