bowel movements :)
Hi Becky,
I am 5 weeks post-op. I sometimes have a BM every day, sometimes every other day. If I don't have one by the night of the second day, I take Milk of Magnesia. This was what my surgeon recommended and it helps. Constipation can be a big problem with WLS patients.
BTW, I've upped my water intake this week to 70 oz. and it seems to be helping also.
Funny, I posted this same question on the main board last week. First three days out of the hospital I went in the morning, kinda like watery. Then all of a sudden I didn't go for about 4-5 days. Then I had a watery one again, and now the same thing. Nothing for another 4 days so far.
I heard that this is normal. I have to say that I am not uncomfortable at all, like I am constipated or anything, but I have to wonder, where's all this puree going?
I was thinking of taking a Correctol laxative to get something moving.
Post-op, I didn't have one until the 4th day. From the 4th day and until about the end of the 2nd week - it was diarreah. Lovely. LOL
Then from 3rd week to present, I have one about every other day. However when I see I don't have one for 2 days, I take some Milk of Magnesia (cherry flavor - yum) and boy does that work.
Pain meds constipate you. So if you aren't having a BM at least every other day, use Milk of Magnesia and if worse comes to worse - give yourself an enema. I had to do that about 2 weeks ago - first time in my life. I was hoping no sattelite from NASA or something was up in the sky looking through my roof watching me. It's quite complicated and weird. But VERY EFFECTIVE - took about 6 hours for the EFFECTS to stop because I had 4 days worth in me - that was 2 weeks ago.