Daily Food and Exercise Log
B - 1C Simply Smart Milk mixed w/Carnation Instant Breadfast (the 0carb one) 14G Protein
S - 2-4 oz of yogurt 6GProtein
L - 3 oz. Salmon 21G Protein
S - 1C Simply Smart Milk mixed w/Carnation Instant Breadfast (the 0carb one) 14G Protein
D - 2 oz. Chicken Breast w/some lettuce, italian dressing, 2 croutons 14G
S - sf pop
And working on the fluid intake....it is beating me down although the room temp is working much better. Last night I slept 7.5 hours straight! I did not wake up once....that is the first time in I do not know how long. I don't seem to feel much more rested probably because I was so use to not getting a full nights sleep.
Is this supposed to be yesterdays? or my plan for today?
B- 4 oz yogurt (Carb control) 6G Protein
S- 8 oz protein shake (Herbal life powder 15g, Skim plus 11g, & x-protein powder 5 g) total 31 grams protein
L- 4 oz cottage cheese 11g
S- 4 oz protein shake ( above but half) 15 g protein
D- Pureed cream soup split pea (need to see how much I should have)
I need to work on the fluids....
This seems like a lot but I am going with my surgeon and nutrionists guidance. I am supposed to get between 50-70 protein a day and at least 48 oz of fluids. I am 2 weeks post op and yesterday was my first day on pureed and full liquids. YEAH! I feel like i can consume what they ask, so of course paranoia comes in like why can I do it all. for one my protein shakes are awesome they taste great so it is easy to drink.
It is your plan for today.
Of course you should be following your doctor and nutritionists instructions. Remember I am 4 weeks out tomorrow so I am at a different place than you and others. Even though we all vary a bit, we eventually will all be on the same eating ground even still with variations.
Keep up the good work. It is easier to consume liquids than solids.
Hey Sheryl. It looks like you and I had the exact same things to eat yesterday, with the exception of the cottage cheese. Since doing the original Atkins 35 years ago, and spending the summer eating nothing but cottage cheese and ground beef, I can't touch the stuff!! I had some pureed vegetable soup with some protein sources in it for lunch.
I found a Hood's Carb Control yogurt smoothie, with 3 gm. fat, 1 gm. sugar, and 13 gm. protein. It was pretty tasty and filling.
Hi Kelly, I was wondering where you get the Carnation IB you drink and what about the Simply smart? I need to do something that works for me and so far, I am not doing to great finding something.
For today I am not sure what I am going to eat or drink! So fat, I have only had 15 oz of grape sf koolaide and 15 oz of good ole H2O! Nothing to eat, just not hungry and actually feeling queezy!!
Today is my day to try dairy again and I think just the thought of trying it is making me sick! I HAVE to get past that!
Anyway, I am hoping to get more protein in this afternoon!
Talk to you all soon. JK
I get them both at my local Stop and Shop. The Simply Smart Milk comes in 0% and 1% fat and has more nutrients than regular. Stop and shop moved it over to the area where the soy milk and lactaid stuff is. It is sold by the half gallon and is in a green container.
The CIsntantB in the same store in the coffee isle near the other mixes. There are two, one is sugar free the other is not so be careful.
You could also look for a protein powder that has no flavor. A scoop is usually around 20-25 g protein and just sprinkle some in all your liquids during the day, a bit here a bit there. Although, a nutritionists once told me if there is protein in your liquid than you can not count it as fluid.
Well talk to you later.
B-6 oz skim milk shake with slimfast and amway pure- protein powder
L- 4 oz regular yogurt with half scoop Bournvita (chocolate vitamin milk powder)
3 oz fresh squeezed lemon juice mixed in water throughout the day--1 liter of that, maybe? (trying to do a kidney cleanse with this liquid fasting thing-- I get awful kidney aches)
additional 2 liters water, for grand total 3 liters (about 9 or 10 glasses of water)
Ex- 45 min on stationary bike; 30 min on treadmill; 30 minutes on crosscountry ski trainer machine; 1 hour in jacuzzi and steam sauna!
I am so happy the dr has given me the OK to get into the sauna and jacuzzi!! and I was SOooooo tempted to try to do some of teh weight machines at the health club, but I will be a good girl...don't want to pop any stitches!
OH and I lost 4 inches at my stomach/hips!!! and 3 inches at my boobies!!! Yay!!!!! And two more KG lost when I stepped onto the scale there!!!