what am i doing wrong?????
Well you all know i was in the hospital last week for a possible blood clot and dehydration.I went in on Monday and i weighed 248,that is only 11lbs since surgery,so i didn't get on the scale at all and waited a week welll today i weighed and i only lost 2lbs very dissapointing,i could have done that without this surgery.I'm drinking and trying to get all my protein in averaging between 50 and 70 grams of protein.I have been dizzy,sweating and having really bad panic attacks since about 10 days after surgery,talked to my psych today and he thinks it is low blood sugar,which can mimick a panic attack and then of course i get scared and it ends up into a full blown panic attack.Well since i can't have sugar i don't know how to fix that.Why am i not losing faster than this it is very dissappointing and to top it all off my cable was shut off today because i can';t afford to pay it.I just want to go crawl under the covers.I'm sorry guys i don't mean to bring anyone else down,i just don't know what to do.
OMG! NO CABLE!!!!!! What are you going to do??? Is life worth living???
Just kidding of course
- but I've been there before. No cable. Local TV only - ugh! Hang in there.
Actually, 13 lbs is great!! That's about average for 2 weeks. And you have to remember, when you are in hospital, they are putting SALINE solution in you which RETAINS water. It sucks. I know. So that probably accounts for the "2" lbs lost this past week. Once your body releases the fluids, you'll be losing.
And you don't have as much to lose as people who are over 300, 400, etc. So you'll be losing, but probably not as much as those people. So try not to compare yourself to them. Losing 13 lbs is AWESOME for being back in the hospital and on IV fluids and on medications.
Don't let the number on the scale dictate your mood. Measure yourself. Be patient. Weigh weekly. Don't panic. (I panic easily too
) So hang in there!! We are rooting for you 100%!!!

Hi Rechelle,
I know things seem to be tough for you right now... I am pretty sure plenty of us have gone through tough times...Things are bound to get better... for the past 2 weeks now I have been fighting trying to lose more weight and I have only lost 1 pound!! But it is normal to hit "plateaus". I know it is very frustruating and you can easily get discouraged, I know I have. But hang in there! We are all here for each other and we are all going to be big losers, if not all ready! Congrats
on your loss so far.Keep it up

Hey Rechelle, Just remember...we are in this together! Yesterday I thought I had hit rock bottom (feeling like I should eat every carb in sight and then test out the sugar thing....But istead, I came here, posted how I felt and then read each and every word from those who have been there with me. I read what I have written to others for encouragement and then, I did 40 minutes on my ellipse! SO, Life without cable and life without losing COULD BE a dangorous combination....BUT DON"T LET IT! I do feel like I could have lost 25 pds. without surgery....I did it before but gained it all back. I am reading the South Beach Diet book and I can't do that yet because it is to soon after surgery. So, I will continue to follow my Doc's orders which are different then I thought because I am having such a hard time with lactose and Soy, but this works for those who work it! I am at 205 and that is a "light weight" according to my Doc and he says because of that...WE WILL LOSE SLOW! So, keep your chin up ( I will do the same!) and when you are struggling, you have those who care and are walking the same road right here! Blessings to you and your days w\o cable!

Don't be discouraged. 13 pounds is awesome! I'm 3 weeks out from surgery and have lost 20lbs. But I also started out almost 80lbs more than you. You are losing right on cue for what you weigh and I wouldn't be the least bit discouraged by that. You might want to start taking your measurements too. If you weigh yourself once a week and take your measurements once a week, you might see results you didn't expect. One week you may only lose a pound or two, but you might lose 4 or 5 inches. At least that way, you see results regardless of how much you weigh. Good luck
I am so glad to read that others feel like me. I am 2 weeks out, and at my first week visit, I had lost 15 lbs. I was elated, but I have not lost a pound since then. It really concerns me. I am eating, and things don't seem to bother me at all. That concerns me also. I go online to keep from freaking out. Consider the cable a blessing, except for home decorating, you can just about throw the rest out.