Sis update
Hi everyone...Thank you so much for all of your prayers. Ang is doing better. Her heart rate continues to be low...40-45. They are going to do a scope thing today to look and see whats up. Her echo showed something but they arent sure if it is something or nothing. They are also testing her eye today. She has double vision and they dont know if that is going to go away. The saddest thing is she started to bleed yesterday so they think it may be the begining of a miscarriage...but better than the baby having many problems after all Ang has been thru. She is able to talk and she is only having a little memory loss now so that is definitley a great thing. I appreciate so very much everyone praying for her.
Hi Michelle,
I missed the original post about what happened to your sister but wanted you to know that I am so sorry. This must be a hughly stressful time for you and your family. I am praying that Jesus will surround your entire family and give you peace and comfort as well as strength to get you thru this. We are all here for you.
Roxi M