Whats everyone eating?
I am 3 weeks postop and basically eating anything texture wise as long as it doesnt make me sick and I chew chew chew, so it doesnt get stuck. Still having problems getting in that 64 oz of fluids but trying hard. My schedule has been really off for 2 weeks.... My moms been in the hospital first in ICU and on a respirator and the last 8 days in PCU. She is actually coming home today, but now we are facing bad news with her having cancers (Renal and possibly lung). So needless to say I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off, so my eating schedule is in an uproar but here is a typical day
B= 1 premade Carnation Instant Breakfast Carb Control
L= 2 1 oz mozzerella sticks
D= 1/2 C refried beans with shredded cheddar or a few bites of meat with a veggie
Snack= minute maid juice bar or phillyswirl sf pop
How is this comparing to any of you who are between 3-4 weeks postop?
I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope things bet better for you and your family. I am about 3 weeks out also and having a hard time with my fluids, as well. A typical day for me:
B=protein shake
L= half a boiled egg- or a mozzerella stick
Snack=protein shake
D=few bites of meat& veggie or a piece of deli slice meat & cheese
Snack= Can't forget the popsicles either!!
I am still trying to figure out what to eat and I think right now I am trying to stay with the things that have been safe for me.
I am 12 days out and I am on a full liquid diet with cottage cheese, 1 egg(poached), and I slice of toasted wheat bread added on until the 26th of April. Hopefully I will be on to pureed foods then since this is driving me mad at times! I know it is for my good so I continue with it.
B= protein shake or strained oatmeal with extra protein scoop
L= 1/2 cup cottage cheese
S= pudding with extra protein scoop
D= he rest of the pudding that i could not finish, or some cream of soup strained. then maybe if I have room a SF popscicle of some sort.
the rest of the time I am drinking, drinking, drinking!
I'm just one day behind you and what you're eating sounds just about like what I've been trying so far. Typically, my day goes something like this:
B: scrambled egg with a few sprinkles of low fat grated cheddar (I can eat about 2/3 of it)
S: protein shake made with nonfat milk
L: cheese stick or a few thin slices of deli turkey
S: protein shake
D: a small bit of chicken chili with some more grated cheddar and sour cream.
Some recently discovered treats:
low fat cottage cheese with 1/3 banana sprinkled with splenda
Jello sf ff pudding in Cheesecake flavor
I am having a lot of trouble with my fluids. Mainly because my little pouch feels crampy when the fluid hits it. Eating hasn't been a problem and warm liquids are a little better. Well for today...
B- 2 oz. cream of wheat/made with simply smart milk
l-omelett ( that isn't how its spelled is it?) w/spinach (in a diner!) the lady thought I was crazy, i told her no potatoe or toast and then I ate about 1/5 of the omelet)
s- 1 oz tuna salad
s- sf phillyswirl pop
d- 3 small shrimp - in a restaurant! It was weird eating with my husband and daughter in such a confined area and well about 200 other people too
s- sf phillyswirl pop
16 oz crystal light and probably 12 oz of tea

Sorry about your mom. How traumatic. Glad you are there for her. I've said a prayer for your mom and your family.
Here's what I had on Saturday. I am 4 1/2 weeks out:
Breakfast - 8 oz isopure protein drink
Snack - 1 oz string cheese
Lunch - Handi-Snacks Cheese & Crackers, orange wedge
Snack (about 20 mins before dinner) - 8oz hot herbal tea (to prevent foaming which I've been suffering from this past week)
Dinner - 1oz of rotisserie chicken meat (leg, dark)
1 oz trail mix
Snack - 1/2 small banana
I drank about 60oz of water today. I walked 2 miles.
Thanks for all the responses, and the prayers too
Off Topic Mom is home and doing ok thank you all for the prayers! I guess I am pretty normal with what I am eating except that my drinking needs to greatly improve. Wow Trish I wish I could get in half the water your doing wtg!!!!! Today so far
B- 3 bites of a dippy egg on an english muffin (didnt sit well at all)
L- about 1/2 C cream of mushroom soup
abit of water not much
about 1/4 achiev one vanilla nut coffee drink
juicy juice fruit punch loaded with ice.
figuring on a protein drink at about 3 and then some bbq pork roast for dinner finely chopped.

Hi -
Here's a typical day for me:
B - Cottage cheese (lowfat 1/2 cup)
L - Cream of ? (depends on the day) soup (98% FF, 1/2 cup)
D - Chicken, Pork, (trying ground beef tonight) 1.5 oz
S - ? Depends on the day - I really like plain old cottage cheese
2-3 8 oz servings of carnation instant breakfast
48 oz water

I went to Costco, and found a 3 OZ Starkist Tuna meal. (About $1.00 Each in a five pack) It comes with a napkin, Low fat mayo, Pickle relish, 6 crackers, and a spoon. About 250 calories total. The best part is the tuna. It tastes much better than tuna in a can, and it has over 20 grams of protein! I eat the contents at my desk. It comes with its own food prep bowl, so you mix the tuna,mayo, and relish in the container and dispose of it afterwards. It seems just right in regards to portion size.
Try it.