Seems like I am not losing weight!
I have lost 30 LBS in the past 3 weeks, so I can't really say that I havent lost any weight~ because what I have lost is awesome! I just seem to be getting discouraged, especially lately because I weigh myself and it seems like I am fluctuating 1-2 pounds when I weigh myself and I feel like I SHOULD JUST BE DROPPING
Is this normal, and has anyone experienced the same thing?

Hi Bonnie,
I specifically came on-line today because I too am not losing weight. The first week and a half I lost 17lbs and then my doctor let me move on to soft foods and I have only lost 3 lbs since. Although I never measured myself before GBS, I have definitely lost inches and am even fitting into some clothes I haven't worn in over a year. I've looked on other boards as well and it seems to be normal for some of us to slow down. The only thing I did notice is that the 3 lbs came off right after I started working out (walking video, 20 min.) While that made me happy, staying motivated to workout is a challenge for me. Good luck. I think we'll be ok.
I am 3.5 weeks out and only down 24 pds. it is hard, but everyday I look at it like least I haven't GAINED 24 pds! AND, what other diet could I have lost this kind of weight?? Other eating plans say nothing more than 2 pds. per, I look at anything more than that as a blessing! It is hard when you see those who have lost 65 pds in 3 weeks....We have to remember that they are the exception. My Doc warned me and warned me and then, warned me again after surgery to be careful about looking to lose too fast. He said and I quote.." I promise you, you will lose if you stick to the plan. You will lose 80% just by sticking to the plan. The last 20% you might have to work a little harder at, but be patient with your body...You are a "light weight" (I had to laugh @ 229) and you will lose slower than most." So, I have those words written in my binder and when I feel down, I go and read those words and remind myself, we are on the average and THAT is OK!
Keep up the good work ladies....together, we will succeed! Thanks to all for your AWESOME support. JK

This must be completely normal Bonnie. I lost 27 the first seven days and then tapered off to 4 pounds my fourth week. To speed it up again, I tried to eat more (protein especially) and drink more fluids. Last week I lost 8 so I was much happier with that. I am probably the most impatient person on this board and want at least 20/week, but it ain't gonna happen! No one loses 30 pounds and stops with this surgery. Try eating more protein, drinking more, and exercise. I walk 30-45 minutes a day, over a mile. It will come has no choice!
Bonnie, I'm in the same boat as others have also indicated. I've lost a total of 29 pounds, but most of that was in the first two weeks. In the last week and a half I've only shown a 2 pound drop. From what I've read this is totally normal as our bodies adjust. I think this is the reason that so many others preach getting rid of our scales or weighing in with a lot less frequency. It's hard to stop weighing in the beginning though, 'cause it's so much fun to watch that scale move (and in the right direction too!).
Hey Chris, Thanks for the reminder about excercising! Like you said, even if we simply walk 1 mile or does make a difference! It is so good to hear that we are all in the same spot....sometimes I feel VERY alone (even though my hubby is AWESOME!) in what I am feeling and many times afraid to admit that I only lost 1 pd in a day or 0 pds a day! Thanks for the reminder that I am not alone! JK
WHOA! You all seem to be in my brain! I've been experiencing the same thing! YEAH! I'm not alone!! I was excited this week to wear a shirt to school that I hadn't worn all year. And I also got into a pair of pants that I was not able to wear at the time of surgery! I just want to see the "melting" start!!!