Daily Food and Exercise Log
B Carnation instant breakfast w/1 cup simply smart milk 14g
s 2oz yogurt 2g
l 1.5 oz tuna fish 12g
s 2 oz applesauce
d 2 oz scrod, it has dice tomatoe, capers, onion and slice black olice(i put in foil and grilled-oh my go**** was delicous. It was also the first real cooked thing I ate.
s SF philly swirl pop
Well I'll be at skating tonight with daughter and then her school is having a skating party so I'll be stuck there for 2.5 hours. I do not think I'll get any gym time in tonight but I do have a meeting today down the street and I think i'm gonna walk around the block and take the long way so that will be about a 30 min walk.