Drinkin' & Eatin'
You know how I said I was having problems with pureed/soft food phase this past week? Well, duh, I figured out why. I was DRINKING too close to the meal time causing food to regurgitate. I KNEW I wasn't supposed to drink anything a 1/2 hour before, during or 1/2 hour after a meal, but I unconsciously did it.
So yesterday, I was CONSCIOUS of it and started even setting timers so I don't mess up and it's working. I am 2 days puke free! Yay!! I am also finally following the rule of eating at a table and not in front of the PC or TV or standing in kitchen, and that helps too. I'm stretching my meals out to one bite a minute and taking small bites. All this is making a difference.
My body is no longer holding onto the water anymore and is releasing it (ahhhhh) and I already feel more energized. Yay!