What did you eat today?
Hi everyone. I'm four weeks out and doing so good I can't believe it. Hang in there those of you recent post-ops...the first week or two was one of the most miserable times in my life. All of a sudden though, you turn the corner
When it happens it happens fast. Anyway here is what I ate:
Last night's Dinner: (lnd) An ounce or two of pork roast with sugar free pudding.
Breakfast: 1 String cheese (wasn't hungry)
snack: 8 oz of protein shake (Unjury is the best!)
Lunch: String cheese and a hard boiled egg (salted yum!).
Snack: protein
Dinner: No idea yet

Hi Richard. I am four weeks out as of today. I too am amazed at how good I feel and how quickly I recovered. I can walk much further now than before surgery and have noticed many improvements (just not enough weight loss yet!). I seem to be a little different than most people in the amount of food I can eat. For example: I can eat two whole hard-boiled eggs no problem and I can eat a whole can of soup if I let myself. I am still on pureed foods, so I am hoping that it is just because it is so smoothly blended that it doesn't stay in the pouch long enough. Today I ate:
Breakfast: 12 oz can of Atkins Advantage Creamy Vanilla Protein Shake
Snack: 8-10 Melba toast crackers
Lunch: Small bowl of Broccoli and cheese soup
Snack: small bowl of cottage cheese
Dinner: I plan on having half a can of pureed soup.
I rarely am able to get in the required number of meals and snacks, especially since I went back to work this week. How are you doing on liquids? Are you getting your 64 oz of water?
Chris S.
Great to hear you're doing good. I'm getting in about 70 oz of water per day. I used to be a water gulping fiend but now its hard to just take one gulp at a time. It's mostly a matter of training myself to know when I can take my next drink by remembering how my pouch feels. Once I did that, I no longer had a problem getting my water in. It helps to have good water like from a water store (cheap!) and good store-bought ice and make sure it is cold.
I'm 16 days out and on pureed foods...whopee! I'm really doing great and finding out that my pouch just doesn't like a couple of things!
Breakfast: Oatmeal...cooked 1/4 c. with splenda and a little margarine and milk...only ate about 3/4 of it.
Lunch: 4 oz. s/f yogurt
Dinner: 1 egg scrambled with ricotta cheese. Pouch does not like ricotta cheese... The other night I tried baking ricotta with a little sauce and mozarella on top. I tasted good, but it upset my stomach. I haven't had a problem with eggs before.
What's weird is when my stomach is upset, I'll still wait the 30 min. before drinking anything. But when I start drinking, it moves the food out and as soon as it is gone, so is the stomach ache!
Hey, you all get snacks?? I only get three meals a day!

Julie..when I was four days out I wanted to crawl into the fetal position in a dark room and cry my eyeballs out. I was going through food withdrawls which is probably what you're going through. Many people who have gone through drug detox and then had weight loss surgery say that the wls was FAR worse. Imagine that! Hang in there and know that we are going through the hardest time RIGHT NOW and things will only get better, I promise!

I am 4 days post op too-I feel like all I want to do is cry-I miss chewing and the taste of food-I thought I was doing better today until I told the rest of my family to go out for dinner and realized I would have another bowl of broth. Counting down the days0any suggestions for anything different during this full liquid phase? How soon do people start the pureed stage and what are some ideas?
Hi Allison...
We had surgery on the same day. How's your pain? I can't seem to get rid of these dang gas pains....walk, burp, sip, fart, repeat!
Anyways, are you allowed to have strained cream soups on this phase? I can have them....as long as they're strained. Today I warmed up a can of cream of potato soup, strained out the potato chunks, added a scoop of Unjury, (unflavored protein), and separated it into 2 oz containers. I had one little container for dinner with about a teaspoon of melted grated cheddar cheese added.....it wasn't too bad and it really filled me up! I even added a shake or 2 of onion salt. Have you tried to jazz up any cream soups? Just a thought....
Best of luck to you, my surgery twin!
Mary Ann