Thak you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 01, 2005
Good Morning Every 1,
I am now 3 weeks Post-Op & I have lost 29 pounds so far. On Wednesday I went to see Dr. Rodriguez for the first time since my Surgery. He was pleased with my Progress. I told him that I don't really see it yet but he proved me wrong. He showed me how my skin is starting to FLAP. He showed me on my arms, my thighs and on my belly. All I can say is wow, what a surprise. If I would not have seen it with my own two EYES I would have said no way.
Now that I am on the right path I will continue to do the right thing. It is amazing how much better I feel in such a short time. I always thought that nothing good could happen to me. Well look at me & all of us now.
I heard some people say they regret the surgery because of all kinds of reasons & I heard some say they'll do it over again. Some even said it was similar to child birth. I don't know but after me going through the WLS I am on the site that would do it again. My live has already begun to change. I am only 3 weeks Post-Op and I love live.
I am already out side walking my dog around the Block, something I did not do in a very long time, because I was too embarrassed to do so. My daughter Jennifer plays High School Fast pitch Softball and I am going to the games with her & my husband. It is unbelievable that I missed out on so much.
Now with this I want to thank all of you GUYS & GIRLS for standing behind me and give me the support I needed. I am for ever thankful for all the kind and loving words of advice. You all made the difference for me. It was not easy due to the fact that my family is in Germany. You all ROCK.
Love Monika

Yay!! That's great, Monica!!!! For each pound you lose you are adding years to your life! Congrats on walking your dog! I bet your dog loves it too. If he's anything like my dog, he'll expect a walk again tomorrow at same time. My dog does a little dance when he thinks it's time for a walk (between 8pm-9pm). So cute!! Anyway, glad you are doing awesome. Keep up the good work!