@#$%^&$# Gall Bladder!

on 3/28/05 2:18 pm - Ann Arbor, MI
My surgery was scheduled for March 14. We knew I had a large gallstone (1") and I was given the choice to have open surgery for gall bladder and RNY - OR - gall bladder first laporascopically, then a few months later RNY laporascopically. I chose to do both at once, open. Well, as it turns out, that blasted gall bladder was in really bad shape. Apparently the big stone had lots of babies that journeyed up into the bile duct. I was on the table for 3 hours just dealing with the gall stones. The RNY got postponed ~ 3 monthes. Man, talk about rude awakening. On top of that, I deluded myself into thinking that recovering from this would be kind of like recovering from a c-section. BZZZZT. Wrong. Much, much more painful. I have been lucky in that besides the obesity, I've not had many health problems. This is the worst pain, and most difficult recovery I've ever experienced. Originally, I was going to postpone the surgery until after a trip to D-world with my family. A date opened up, and the anticipation was driving me nuts, so I took it. Now, 2 weeks later - no RNY, no Disney, surgery totally disrupted my 9YO's birthday (3/17) and she was in an ice show that I could only attend for a few minutes. Instead of feeling hopeful and enthused, I feel like I've aged 30 years overnight (albeit I have lost 10 pounds.) AND, I still have this gross, crusty, disgusting, puss excreting T-tube hanging out of my belly. Yecch. That's going to be there at least another 2 weeks, until I have another lovely procedure where they stick another tube down my esphogus to get out the rest of the gallstones (ERCP) And, to top it off, our great, sweet, gentle family dog of twelve years died, in my arms, Friday. WAH! WAH! and WAH! OK, I just had to get that off my chest. F* keeping my chin up. Alright, alright - Everything I have to be thankful for: 1) Instead of having stupid, useless appendage act up unexpectedly with hours of pain and emergency surgery, I was/am in a position where I had planned for surgery and recovery. 2) I am in a job where I'm not only covered for the surgery but have extended leave that pays 100% while I am recovering. My benefits should also cover the RNY. 3) The surgeon I had was experienced enough that he could deal with nasty gallbladder. Another surgeon could have closed me up right then and referred me on to someone else to deal with it. Or, worse yet, not handled it correctly. 4) This is the worst medical experience I've had. 5) Considering the underanticipated pain of recovery, maybe dealing with changes in eating habits and that at this same would've been pretty ugly. If all goes well, we can do RNY laporascopically now. But I have to admit I am now terrified that I'll wake up in that much pain again, and something else will go wrong. I do not look forward to going through this again. 6) That we had 12 years with our dog, and I could be with her when she died. 7) My family and friends have been great. Although, being dependent on my 9YO to put on my socks is really getting old. If anyone else woke up and did not get what they expected, I'd sure like to hear from you. I'm trying to stay positive, but right now it doesn't feel like I'll ever get well. Sara 45, going on 90.
Bonnie M.
on 3/28/05 2:51 pm - San Diego, CA
Wow Sara, it seems like you have had a tough time! Well, my name is Bonnie and I had surgery the same day you did... except I had RNY laprascopically as well as a cholecystectomy(removal of the gallbladder). I found out that my gallbladder was in pretty bad shape when I awoke from surgery. I had alot of stones. Doesnt seem as bad as what you are experiencing now though! I believe it was probably a good thing your doctor left the RNY for later so you can get this other problem solved and not have to go through the diffficulties of recovery of both surgeries at once! You are going through enough as it is. I am also saddened to hear about your dog. I wanted to write you back because recently, my family had to put our dog of 12 years to sleep because he was very ill. You hit that spot in my heart that makes me feel for you because it is very tough to lose an animal because they are such a big part of the family. I know you probably are very discouraged right now, but keep your spirits up... things are bound to get better with you and I am sure your family will understand what you are going through. I hope your recovery goes a little smoother, that you don't have too much pain. Take a deep breath and relax and know that in the end, when all is said and done, you will feel soo soo much better! If you ever need to talk or want someone to listen... I am here as well as many other supportive people Take care of yourself and I hope things get better for you. Bonnie
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