at home now
Hi Lisa! I am 8 days post op and know how you feel about the fluids! My surgeon said to sip once every 10 minutes. This will keep you hydrated. You should also be peeing about 4-6 times a day. Don't be worried that you will over drink-your new pouch acts as a funnel so liquids pass quickly! Take care and speedy recovery! Aiko
You can't fill the pouch with liquids. It's like a sink. Keep pouring and it will flush out. Just don't gulp. Sip a little at a time and you will be fine.
I just started pureed and soft foods. That I DO have to be careful with. Since I'm not 100% sure when I'm full, I read that somebody said that when you begin to hiccup a little, you should stop. That's been working for me.
You won't over-drink. Just drink what you can. Your insides are all swollen and in shock right now so don't expect to get 64 oz of water in you first week! You'll drink really small these next few days and next week or so and then as swelling goes down on the inside you can drink more. But don't worry about over-drinking. That's not possible.
Congrats on making it through surgery okay and being home now. Yay!! Keep us posted on your progress!!