4 days to go oh My!!!!!!!
Well it is 4 days till my surgery and I still am feeling the rollercoaster of emotions. I am so excited to begin my new life but I am so scared I will not get to see it. I am thinking about calling the surgeon and asking if I can get something to calm me down. The reason is when I get stressed I get bouts of angina which have been checked out as non life threatening but they still scare you when you have chest pain. It turns into a vicious circle of stress then pain the pain causes more stress and then continued pain you get the point.Everyone tells me not to worry and most are so unconcerned it makes me feel that people really do not care what happens to me. NO one will take it serious that I could die from the surgery. I am not scared at all about the change in lifestyle or dumping or any of those side effects I can deal with those it is that pesky death one that gets me. Well lucky for me I have to go out of town on business for the next couple of days and that should keep me busy so I do not think about this anymore. The reports of Terri Lynn's condition do not help matters for me but I feel for her family and they are in my prayers everyday as she fights for life. God bless everyone out there who has the courage to have surgery so they can have a life of joy an happiness the one we all deserve to have. I will have 1 more e-mail on the 29th before my surgery and hopefully I will feel better about my decision.
I felt the same stress and started having panic attacks like a week before my surgery. My primary physician prescribed me a low dosage if Xanax (valium) and it did help! It didn't make me feel loopy or anything! Yes there are risk for surgery...but if you continue to be obese than you could die of that too....that's what I kep thinking leading up to my surgery (3-18-05). Take care and email me if you want to chat. Aiko
Don't compare yourself to Terri Lynn. We are all different people with different bodies and systems. This surgery is going to be great for you and you are going to pull through just fine and be home writing us again next week! I just know it! Stay positive!! Stay busy! But be excited!! I sure was the week of my surgery! I was bouncing off the walls with excitement!!

Yes, there are definately risks for the surgery and your health but know that once you get through the surgery, which you will! You will start on a path that will better your life and health greatly! I wish you luck on your surgery, it's normal to have anxiety before... I did! Keep your spirits up and a positive attitude and you will pull through just fine! You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I look forward to seeing how your surgery went
It is an awesome feeling to join the losing side and I congratulate
you on getting ready to join us

You've expressed a lot of what I'm holding in, and as far as I'm concerned that took alot of courage. I'm having surgery March 30th, and as it gets closer and closer, I'm getting more and more edgy. My family keeps saying it will all be fine, and I'll admit I've thought they were being a bit too nonchalant about the whole thing, but I know in my heart they're just trying to be encouraging and keep me from being scared. Reading about Terry Lynn upset me, too, and I feel compassion for her and her family and pray for her recovery. It's a human thing to be scared, though. We just have to remember there's no other way to go but forward ... cause it's to a new and better kind of life.
Best wishes and prayers for your surgery and success.