Surgery Monday
Hi all, My surgery is Monday. I drive to Lubbock tomorrow and get to do the phosphosoda thing in the hotel. Lovely! With my mom in the same room. Could be pleasant. I have to arrive at the hospital at 5:30 am. My surgery is scheduled first. It's a little sobering to learn about Terri Lynn and her complications. I'm praying for her and her family. While I'm not scared, I also don't feel as giddy as I thought I would. It's a very serious operation with numerous things that can go wrong. There are no guarantees. I still wouldn't back out because to get the change I need in my life, I have to go this way. I've tried all other routes. If I don't make it for some reason or other, then I understand that this is the end of my road. I was so miserable on all the other roads. I feel confident that this is the road God has put me on. I also believe that it is the best thing for me and that I will recover fully and lead a much healthier life. My prayers for safety are with all of the preops and for a speedy recover for all of the postops.
Huggggs and blessings, Heidi

Just know that you ARE doing the right thing for yourself and that all WILL go well. You've got to think that way. Also, there are so many prayers going out from this forum for you!
My surgery is Wednesday, so I'll be right behind you.
Our path is forward now, no looking back. We're on the right track.
See you on the losing side.
Blessings right back atya
MJBG (from Missouri)

Heidi and I are "surgery buddies." My surgery is also on Monday. I have to be at the hospital at 7:45am, and if it's anything like my husband, they take you up pretty fast. I am a little apprehensive, but that's OK. I know I am in good hands, and this is the best thing for me.
Thank you to everyone for their support.
Terri Lynn is not you. We are all different and yes, there are some that have complications, but that is true with ANY surgery! Before I had my first root canal 4 years ago, about 3 people at work told me horror stories and I was like OMG. Turns out, I was just fine, it was like getting a cavity filled - well, took longer - but I felt no pain during or afterwards. So you just can't compare yourself to others. You are Heidi. Heidi is going to do GREAT in the operation!
Now, the phospho soda..... I'm going to try not to
while I type this. LOL Doing the phospho soda was worse than the surgery itself for me. LOL They say to get it as COLD as you can and to mix it with your favorite soda or juice - I did but it didn't help. Just drink it as fast as you can and for me it took about 45 mins to kick in. Hotels usually don't have soft two-ply toilet paper. You are going to need some SOFT TP. LOL So go by the store and get Cottonelle or Charmin or something - even ones with lotion or something, because your rear will thank you for it!
You are going to do great in surgery and your surgeon is going to do everything textbook and on time with you. Be positive. Be excited!! A new you is about to emerge!!!

Hi there. I'm going for surgery on Monday also. I have to be at the hospital at 6:30 - I'm hoping my surgeon is a morning person.
I'm not as giddy as I thought I would be either. I guess hearing all the things that could go wrong from the Dr. sobered me up. We are doing the right thing, though. I wish you an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery.

"For God has not given us a spirit of FEAR, but of POWER, LOVE and a SOUND MIND !!! " 2nd Timothy I too, have surgery Monday @ 7 :30. Yes, I have been scared. Planning, prep, and the entire time thinking.... what if??? Well, one thing for sure... I know "what if" If I dont have this surgery.... and I choose to FACE MY FEAR and DO IT ANYWAY.... and just in case... ;) I have my xanax handy !!! LOL!!!! Love and prayers to all those having surgery this week.
You will do great! Keep your spirits up and a positive attitude and you will pull through just fine! You will be in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you have a speedy recovery
Let us know how everything went when you're feeling up to it and congrats
on getting ready to join the losing side! Your life in the end will be so much better, no doubt
Take care & good luck!