Why can I eat so much?
Just wanted to check in with all you post-ops out there and ask about how much you eat at a sitting. I think I am able to eat more than I should. I can eat a whole can of soup in one meal and I wouldn't think I would be able to eat that much. Granted, they are mostly liquid and maybe they sort of "pass through" my pouch quickly. I am hoping when I move on to more solid foods, I will get full quickly and stay full. Is anyone else out there eating a can of soup for a meal or am I just able to overdue it for some reason? How much should I be able to eat at this time?
Chris S.
It is because it is liquid. Think of a sink. You can pour all you want but it's going to go through. Be very careful, only because you'll get into a habit and then, when you switch to pureed foods, you're going to be surprised.
I'd stick to no more than 1/2 a cup at a time (and really, the pouch should initially hold about a 1/4 cup). To be sure, call your surgeon and ask what the capacity of your pouch is.
It's liquid, so it goes right through you. So it is possible to drink/eat more at a time. However, it is recommended that you make 8 oz last a 1/2 hour. That way you won't stretch out your pouch (is what I'm told). So slow it down and you are fine. When you get to solids, your intake will definitely decrease.
Hey Chris.....I'm with you, I can eat wayyyy more than I think I should be able to eat. I can absolutely eat an entire can of soup in one meal. Just in the past couple of days I've started chili, and I'm able to eat about 8-12 oz of that in one sitting. I think that I'm able to overdo it, and I don't understand why I can while everyone else out there says they are stuffed after a very small amount. I do find that now I've started with the chili, even though I'm eating more than I thought I would, that I stay full for a long time afterward. Today I had a cup of chili for lunch, same thing for dinner (with a few crackers), some crystal light, some water, that's it, and I'm pretty content right now. I'm still working on eating slowly, sometimes I forget and seem to gobble it down, which I know is NOT good for us !!!! I've always been a very fast eater. Think if I slowed down my eating that it would decrease the amount I could eat at one time?
Thanks Karen, I was beginning to think my doc forgot to make my pouch with all the other action he had going on in there! I'm going to try to slow down as well as cut back on the volume. I don't want to "stretch" my pouch. Also, I haven't really experienced a hungry feeling, and I want to take advantage of that while I can. I feel like I have a limited amount of time to be able to lose weight "easily" and I want to take full advantage of it. I think I'll go to half a can of soup at a sitting instead and see if that is satisfying. I am also having trouble getting in as many meals and snacks in a day that I am supposed to. I just didn't get lunch in today. I have never been a 3 meal a day person and this 5 or 6 a day is going to kill me! Especially next week when I return to work. I am too busy to stop what I'm doing and eat every two hours. Everyone keeps talking about chili, so tonight I bought a can at the grocery store and am going to try it. One thing I tried that was pretty good was turkey pot pie soup (blended).
Chris, you sound exactly like me. My doctor called the other day and I almost outright accused him of not doing the surgery!! He assured me he earned his fee.......
I think slowing down is the key....I think I'm eating way too fast and as a result eating too much. I have about 120 to lose, my doctor told me that the first 100 would come off relatively easily, but at this point I have a hard time believing that. I have a similar problem with the number of meals, I've never eaten three meals a day. I normally skipped breakfast, and sometimes lunch, but made up for it with dinner. I'm planning to return to work on April 4, I work in a very fast paced environment, and it's going to be very difficult to sneak little meals in. Sometimes I don't get a brea****il the end of the day. I don't know what I'm going to do about that. I think you will be satisfied with the chili, but don't do what I did today.....wolf it down. Let's both think SLOWWWWWW !!!!! And for shame, for shame, a CAN of Chili from the grocery store?? Well I suppose it will do in a pinch.....
Let me know how you are doing, do you mind if I contact you directly through email instead of posting? Karen

HI Chris,
I am just about 2 weeks out and felt I was eating more than I should also. Due to feeling very week I progressed onto the next step a bit before instructed. I know ppl are gonna scream at me for that but I am a firm believer that we have to listen to our bodies and I was to the point that getting up my muscles were sore. Anyway my stage 2 consists of cottage cheese, eggs, cream of wheat, protein shakes pureed meats and veggies. Well yesterday for breakfast I made 1 scrambled egg with a bit of cheese and ate about 1/4 of it and my spoiled dog got the rest. For dinner I had 1/4 C pureed carrots and 3-4 bites out of my1/4 c of cottage cheese and was fool and sorta nauseas for a few hours. Should not have taken that extra bite of cottage cheese.
Like you I also work in a very fast pased office and am concerned about eating lunch. I have decided to just do my protein shakes for lunch because I am never going to have time to thoroughly chew anything else. Give that I try and see if that helps you.
Man o Man... wishing I could have some chili though or some refried beans......mmmmmmm...... lol