Doing better! No hamburgers!
Okay, what I experienced yesterday after a few bites of a jr cheeseburger at Wendy's was not dumping. I just ate the wrong food and my system let me know it immediately. Won't make that mistake again. Have done MUCH better today and you know what is surprising? Melba Toast. Melba Toast is on our list of soft/pureed foods - weird because it's not soft at all. Anyway, I had a couple today and I had NO reaction! I'm like wow!! Guess toasted bread/crackers type thing is okay but bread-bread is not. Weird. So DON'T eat bread, folks, when you go to soft foods. Your stomach may not be ready for it.
Other soft foods I had today were spaghetti-o's LOL (just 1/4 cup) and cheese, isopure, italian ice, deli shaved ham, and I think that is it. I forgot. Anyway, good day eating wise. Everything STAYED in my body - which is a great feeling!

As I undertand it, crispy is also allowed PROVIDED that the crispy thing eaten is a) low-fat (no potato chips) and b) will dissolve quickly and completely (so there's your melba toast). Low-fat saltines should be okay, too. Bread, on the other hand, would stick in the pouch and cause problems (which is probably what happened to you.)
I would puree it (beans and meat) but, so long as it's low-fat, I can't see why there would be any problems.
My favorite food so far is a poached salmon that I've pureed with low-fat bleu cheese dressing. Sounds weird but it is SO GOOD!
Also, the good ol' refried beans and cheese (I won't buy it at Taco Bell since I don't know how much fat is involved--just bought low-fat refritos and low-fat shredded cheddar).