Feelin' Down
I've been feeling kinda down these past few days and I feel that my family does'nt fully understand what I'm going through. Don't get me wrong my family has supported me through so much especially throughout all of this but it seems as though they don't understand why I get upset or emotional really easily right now. This whole process mentally has been so much harder than I thought it would be. I don't regret the decision I made to have this surgery because I know my life will be bettered by it...and I know I will have my ups and downs... I just feel sometimes that I am having a hard time pulling myself through it. Does anybody have any advice?
You just had major surgery - it is normal for emotions to go up and down post-op for any surgery. We've all been there. My mom had a hip replaecment surgery about 6 weeks ago and she went through bouts of depression every now and then for about 3 weeks. She'd be fine one minute and easily upset or distressed the next. It's all due to surgery. Who knows what causes the imbalance. Just know that it's temporary and tell your family that. Tell them you had major surgery and your body and mind are in shock so if you get upset or emotional easily - tell them that is the reason. Sometimes it's easy to forget a family member JUST had surgery when they look and act normal.
Hang in there! You aren't alone!
Hey Bonnie,
I know just how you feel. I just got home on Wednesday and have had the worst case of the blahs. I have no regrets either just wish I could fast foward things by about a month. no returns on so much effoert so far. Nothing seems to help. I just sent my mom home because see was kind of getting on my nerves. I think this is normal though and have read about it in other peoples profiles.
This week I plan to do something for myself though. I am going to plan the next few months and the rest of the year. First I am going on the internet and look a the clothes I wish I could wear but can't. Then I am going to get a mototcycle magazine a start picking out my next bike. One that a slimmer me would look cool on. Next I am going to plan my August vacation. The one my kids and I are going to take to the beach with the boardwalk that I can now take long walks on. And with the amusement park that has rides that I fit on. This time I will wear a bathing suit instead of street clothes on the beach.
It has also been weird how I just realized how much foodplayed in my daily life. I think part of the blahs is not having that available to use as a boredom breaker.
Well I hope some of these ideas help you some they seem to be helping me a bit. Maybe we will start to sound like the others on he website who are farther along the journey. God luck to ya.
Mike Van Kay
I think the ups and downs are perfectly normal. I know I have my days too. Sometimes the problem is people just don't consider how difficult it is to go through this. We are making a lifestyle change and it takes time for us to adjust! I was so upset yesterday I just wanted to cry. I went to my niece's to dye eggs with her kids. It was dinner hour and her husband brought fish dinners home for their dinner which I knew he was doing and it didn't bother me. He walked in and set them down and said to me, "Sorry Joan but you don't get one." I know he didn't mean it in a bad way but it still bothered me. He didn't have to say anything! I sat in another room while they ate their dinner because that was easier on me. My sister (who had the surgery also) called me this morning and asked me why I was so crabby last night. She said to me you sat by yourself and didn't talk to us much. DUHHHHHHHHHHHH they were eating their dinner....I couldn't eat...why would I sit and watch them all eat! She of all people should have understood! Most days I feel pretty good but yesterday was a rough one. Hmmmmm maybe it was because I was around family??? I am dreading Easter having to be around the whole family, I guess I will have to leave early....I do need my rest! Good luck Bonnie- this will pass-but in the meantime I guess it is just something we will have to deal with.
I'm right there with you! It seems like nobody else understands-because they don't! I'm grateful for this website to visit with people who DO understand! I'm realizing also just how much time and energy I spent to get the surgery approved, pre-ops, HAVE the surgery and now....what do I do? I'm feeling very good physically, but overtired mentally! I think some extra rest is in order! (((Hugs))), Jan O.