Hello every one, my surgery is in the morning! I have to be at the hospital 12 hours from now! Isn't that so cool? I am so excited....Thanks for everything and keep those prayers coming!
Love & God Bless
Good luck to you! You are about to take the best step ever! I can't be happier that I did this. I wish for you a speedy recovery! Let us know how you are doing just as soon as you feel up to it! Joan
I am to have surgery the 28th of this month. just wanted to let you know I have said a prayer for you , God bless and please pray for me Margaret Davis
have a wonderful surgery!! 24 hours from now you will be a small eater and on your way to a healthier you!! You are in my prayers and so is your surgeon and anesthesiologist! Write when you get back home later this week and let us know how things went! God Bless!