Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Good morning every 1,
Just a few lines to let you all know how I am doing. I am now 12 day's Post Op and down 25 pounds. I am on Vitamins, Calcium, B12, & the Protein. I have trouble with the PROTEIN. Every time I drink it I gag my tail of. I have tried it in MILK, WATER & JUICE, but can't get myself to drink it. It is thick, nasty, & gritty to me. I have a hard time taking it. ANY SUGGESTIONES?
My Sterri Strips are all of now and the Scar is only 5 inches long. The Scar is very clean and does not hurt at all. I am without Pain Killers for 6 days now. The only pain I have is when I Cough, Laugh, Sneeze & when I try to use the Bathroom. Other than that I am so so. The last two days I have been FEELING BLUE and don't know why. One minute I am fine & the next I feel like I could cry my eye's out. I don't know what is going on but I should be happy. I mean I just had MAYOR SURGERY. I lost 25 pounds in 13 days and I am up and running. So why do I feel this way? I hope this gets better soon. Other than that I am ok I guess.

You have just gone through major surgery not too long ago!! This is a lifetime change for all of us and a very emotional one at that! I have my moments where I feel very blue and can't pinpoint the reason why
It can be very frustruating
Remember though that are minds have not had the surgery so it is going to take time to deal with evrything that it going on. I congratulate you on your loss and a healthy recovery
I hope emotionally you start feeling better as well and if you ever need someone to talk to feel free to contact me
As far as the protein goes I am not able to have it yet, so I can't really help you with that.Sorry.
Take good care of yourself and know that many people are having the same feelings that you are and that we are all here to support each other
Think of the happiness you feel as you get closer and closer to your goal and how much better you feel! Let me know how you're doing and keep your spirits up

It is VERY NORMAL to go through bouts of depression every now and then after surgery, no matter how good you are progressing. It'll pass. Just hang in there. Cry when you need to cry, but know that the post-op depression will pass.
Took me a while to find a protein drink I liked too. Anything soy based is way to gritty and nasty for me. So I e-mailed the dietician at the hospital about choices, and she said www.vitalady.com sells samples of protein mixes I can try before buying the WHOLE container. I also went to a health food store here last week and bought "ANY WHEY" and "DESIGNER WHEY" and both are good and mix in good with food, milk, etc. Taste good. I also bought Myoplex cookies n cream and strawberries and cream. Both are good and full of protein. (Go to the refrigerated section of the store to find that). Also in fridge section of store is ISOPURE - it looks and tastes like fruit juice but is a protein drink. They sell them in glass bottles- 20 oz - I drink about 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup at a time (slowly) and it tastes great.
Sounds like you are doing great. Try some varieties of whey and protein drinks until you find one you like. Keep up the good work!

I'm sorry about your depression. I have been battling withit too since I miss food so badly. I'm getting better though every single day.
Regarding the protein drinks, I ABSOLUTELY swear by Unjury. It is the best tasting drink I've ever tried. I gag on almost everything else. The great thing is that it is very thin like chocolate milk and mixes with a spoon with NO clumps. It's the best money can buy. If you want a link e-mail me as it's online orders only. (No, I don't work for them! hhehe)
Hello Monika, I am with you on this journey in and out of depression. I just miss my best friend "food" and no matter what I do to make myself feel better I cannot seem to get out of this funk. I am not saying that I am hungry at all, I just miss being able to eat my comfort food. I try to tell myself I am getting healthy and that stuff is bad for me so I don't want it so much, but it's very hard especially when you cannot eat anything except protein drinks. The only way I could stomach any of my whey drinks was by mixing with water and straining the stuff 2 times to make it super smooth. It gets a little easier when you get into soft foods, because you can mix the protein drinks with fruit and make a smoothie so it has more flavor not so much of the whey taste. I used the virtually tasteless one but could still taste the sweetness of the whey but that is masked with the fruit once you can drink pureed stuff. For me the 1st 2 weeks was the hardest, and I did cry for no reason and get mad for no reason, but it levelled out a little to where now I just feel a little down all the time. My doctor tried to prescribe me an antidepressant but it made me sick, so I hope all this mental stuff works itself out soon. I have about 3 weeks before I have to go back to work and since I handle customer service on the phones, I don't think I can handle it with these mixed up emotions and depressed interest in everything. Oh well, I guess it doesn't help much to hear my sad story, but at least you know you are not alone and things will get better for both of us I am sure of that. I have lost 28lbs in 3 weeks, so I feel better about my self image, but the rest will come in time. Hope you continue to take good care of yourself.
Monica, I am 10 days post op, I have not weighed myself yet, want to be surprised a my dr's appt. next week. However feeling exacty the same you are, very emotional. Can't get the protein in have tried everything. My nurse suggested getting the unflavored whey protein and mixing it with the cream soups, or a baked potato with milk, lots of butter, sour creams and milk added. Havent tried it yet. will try it tomorrow. Good luck
feel free to email me.
Wow, you are in great shape. Regarding your protein, I put mine (Aria for women, choc powder) in sugar free vanilla pudding. It's just the right amount of chocolate with vanilla so it's not too chocolatey and the texture is good. I make up a bunch of the pudding in 2 oz. containers, when I need one, I put a scoop of powder on it, stir and lick it more than eat it. It's good texture and I treat it like an ice cream bar. Give it a try.
As for feeling blue, well heck, you've been on a 'bumpy ride'. Time to have some quiet time and not to sound corny but, reflect on what's just happened in your life. This is for real and you are someday soon going to more active, healthy and 'appealing' to the norm of the population. Your dream is now reality and perhaps you are mentally exhausted. You've got the physical taken care of, have some quiet moments with yourself and God or whomever you pray to. The surgery doesn't erase all your problems but it is a tool to help you overcome a big one. You can do this, but remember, you are still human, emotional ups and downs are common. Hang in there and maybe go through your closet and start planning what you want to throw away!