Anyone taking chewable Vista Vitamins?
Prior to surgery I got these vitamins because they included everything our unique needs require, including the B12 and were designed to be able to be absorbed easily. I started taking them before surgery and they weren't fun, but they weren't too bad. Now afterwords, my tastebuds seem to be super sensitive and I can barely gag them down without heaving.
Is anyone else taking these? If it was just one a day, I could handle it, but taking five of these huge horse pills everyday is making me sick! My wife says everything she has seen indicates I would be fine with just a flintstones chewable every day. Anyone have any ideas or advice? What are you taking for vitamins?

Call me crazy
but my belief is that if something makes you gag, stop taking it. 5 horse pills?? OMG! I'm gagging just imagining it.
I take flinstone's multivitamin with iron, 2 viactive calcium chewables and 1 B12 strip (like listerine strips) a day - cherry flavored. So all mine taste good and are like a dessert to me.
Hope this helps.