my surgery is on March 31-8 days and counting a question!
Hi all- never posted before- I am a bit freaked out- having ryn lap- on 31st but before then have stuff to go thru- tommorow egd- where dr looks in stomach to see if healthy- any bacteria-ulcers before surgery- then thursday cardiologist is making me do nuclear stress test and eckiodoppler- for clearance then on 29th dr puts filter into my leg so no bloodclot problems- my dr is very thorough and I picked him for this reason but everytime I go for one of these procedures I am a bit unnerved and want to run away.
excited to be on the other side when surgery is over but does anyone feel or felt bad about the fact that you are having your healthy stomach completely changed and your plumbing redone- this is the only thing that seems to upset me and make me worry if this is the right thing to do?
My bf is having this in april and she has no doubts- me well because I really have relatively ok health- no diabetes, no co-morbidities except high cholesterol- I worry- or maybe I feel guilty about doing this. Like what a failure I am. I could do better and would not have to have a surgeon cut me to help me get healthy and thin- I am 350 lbs and have dieted my whole life only to get fatter each year!!! but can not shake this feeling or worry. please if this is or was a concern of yours please respond cause it seems to be my stumbling block. I would love to be calm and at ease on thursday when I have the surgery- I am at times very calm about it but again would love to hear from you.
Going through the feelings- Mert
hi meryl,
I am new at this, too. I am looking information on this. I also weigh 350lbs, too.. I am healthy, also gotten fatter every year too. I don't want it anymore and it is very uncomfortable when things that want to do and can't do it because it is in the way and stuff. I am thinking about getting the lap band adjustable surgery, too. I want to have a better life and enjoy life for a long time. Smile !!!
Hi Meryl,
My name is Malia and I am about a week post op. The only thing I can tell you is that you are the only one that knows what is right for you. You seem to have done all the right research and have the pratical information down. The way that I made my decision is this: I sat down in a quiet room and thought out the pros and cons. Yes surgery is always risky and you are rearranging your "plumbing". But I also knew that the weight was slowly killing me. ( I was 385 pre-op) I was tired of not having any energy and being afraid that I would die from diabetes,heart failure, or sleep apnea.
My surgury was last week and I did have some complications. My oxygen levels were too low and I had to go to the ICU, but I still think I made the right choice!
All I can say is think it through and follow your heart!
I had the adenosine cardiolite nuclear stress test too. Only scary part is for about 6 seconds when they put the adenosine in you but cardiologist is there and you'll survive. I remember when I had it done I was like, OMG, my heart is beating fast, I'm dying, etc. LOL And they read my bp as 116/80 or something like that and here I thought I was surely 300/200 or something. LOL Memories.....I can' laugh
I have NO regrets since surgery - 2 weeks ago. I at first thought - should I be doing this, changing my stomach, etc. However if I stayed at what I was, I'd get fatter and fatter. So for me it was the right decision.
It's great not to feel hungry and to REMIND myself to eat. LOL I'm sure the feeling of hunger will come back in weeks to come, but I'm enjoying it now.
You'll go through all your tests this next week just fine and before you know it you're surgery will be a thing of the past and you'll be on the losing side!

Hi, my date is the 28th, and I have been researching and thinking about it for a couple of years. I now weigh 355. I had all the same concerns, until one night I spent some time praying about it. I woke up in the morning with a realization. God made my stomach a lot smaller than it is and I'm the one who stretched it out, and there is nothing wrong with fixing what I broke. I also found out the same day that my insurance didn't require as much as I thought, which I took for a sign from God. I hope that hearing about my experience will help you feel better about your decision. But only you and God know what is right for you, so my advice is pray about it. I will pray for you. Feel free to e-mail me if you'd like to talk, [email protected].
God bless,